States like NY can not impose residency-based restrictions on constitutionally protected rights like the right to bear arms.
Lawsuit Drops on New York to Strike Down Ban on Firearm Carry by Non-Residents

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
States like NY can not impose residency-based restrictions on constitutionally protected rights like the right to bear arms.
Gun rights advocates hailed the ruling as a victory for lawful gun owners. On the other hand, Illinois officials, including Governor J.B. Pritzker, expressed disappointment.
The First District Court of Appeal in Florida has held the mere knowledge that a person has a concealed firearm is not enough for reasonable suspicion to stop and search a person, or ask for a permit
The problem was a severe one. If the officer checked VCIN, he was told that your CHP was expired or didn’t exist, respectively! That would put the CHP holder in a bad situation that was not his fault.
The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance is holding a rally on July 1st, 2016 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. to celebrate the first day of Permitless Carry in Idaho.
What financial liability do they accept if an employee obeys their policy and is hurt or killed? None?
House Bill 431, passed during the 2015 Regular Session of the New Mexico Legislature, went into effect over the weekend…
Extends the renewal period for a concealed handgun license from 60 to 90 days & removes the fingerprint requirement for license renewals & eliminates the mid-term two-year refresher course…
The Second Amendment Foundation confirmed today that it is financially backing the legal challenge to New Jersey carry law…
This permitless carry legislation, would recognize your right to legally carry a concealed firearm without the burden of having to obtain a costly & time-restrictive Concealed Handgun License…
Bill Would Require States to Honor Other States’ Concealed Carry Permits…
A bill recognizing South Dakota’s freedom to legally carry a concealed firearm without the burdensome requirement of acquiring a concealed pistol permit was introduced…
Why are we so optimistic about Stutzman? The answer is that we now have a filibuster-proof majority to pass it in the Senate…
What often gets overlooked is that government employees who carry guns are often held to a lower standard than private individuals and this includes cops…
Your safety and potentially violating the law will is a constant conflict for law concealed carry license holders, choose wisely….
We need to hold onto this great court victory so that these policies go into effect throughout California and the entire Ninth Circuit…
California’s Peruta case has taken a new turn further strengthening the case for amending Hawaii’s may issue or show need concealed carry statute…
In recent years the Land of Lincoln has been host to some of the nation’s most important battles for the Second Amendment, and the trend continues…
SAF is challenging that state’s concealed carry statute that restricts qualified non-residents the rights and privileges of carrying concealed firearms based solely on their state of residence…
We were surrounded by 6 police cars, I was handcuffed and thrown into a police car with no indication as to why….I was given a ticket for brandishing…
It’s good to see schools following the law. As this trend grows, more & more of their worst fears are shown to be baseless & or absurd. The truth is getting out there gun owners are not the problem…
Rather than passing such a blatantly unconstitutional proposal, perhaps Council members should instead focus on passing legislation that actually respect their citizens’ rights…
These are only the beginning of the harsh and misguided obstacles that DC residents must overcome before they are allowed to express their fundamental right to self-defense…
Their proclamation altogether bypasses the legal requirements, including training and proficiency, that we peons are required to obey in order to acquire state-issued concealed carry permits…
Vermont has a simpler process, which is that there is no process. Called Constitutional Carry It works for Vermont. It can work for the Live free or die state, too…
After failing to adopt rules for more than a year & creating a mess of the Law Enforcement objection process, the Concealed Carry Review Board has finally submitted “emergency” rules for their operation…
This act allows police officers in any state or jurisdiction to carry concealed their personal firearm in any other state or jurisdiction…
onald William Prestage, a member of the North Carolina State University’s Board of Trustees, was arrested in the District of Columbia after police discovered a holstered, loaded handgun in his briefcase…
Wisconsin law does not allow employers to prohibit employees with valid concealed carry licenses from keeping a gun in their personal vehicles even when parked on company property…
This is another case where SAF is winning firearms freedom one lawsuit at a time. These victories for legal resident aliens help protect U.S citizen’s gun rights just as much as the legal resident aliens…