A campus police chief has found campus carry becomes a non-issue six months to a year after it is implemented.
Once in Effect, Campus Carry Quickly Becomes a Non-Issue

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
A campus police chief has found campus carry becomes a non-issue six months to a year after it is implemented.
On March 5th, 2019, House Bill 2519, The Campus Self-Defense Act, failed to pass out of the West Virginia state Senate Judiciary Committee.
The concept of allowing those with a concealed carry permit to carry their guns on campus is getting a lot of press lately, mostly because it drives gun-hating academics crazy.
The ability to protect yourself at home or work is a constitutional right every American should be free to exercise…
This important self-defense legislation will permit full-time employees of state public colleges or universities to carry a handgun while on college property…
It is unfortunate that Governor Deal vetoed a bill that would have made Georgia campuses safer for his constituents.
University of Texas at Austin newspaper is actively working to keep students from seeing the pro side of the campus carry debate.
The media love to expose the underbelly of politicians whether it favors their own position or not.
Anti-gun activist Leah Gunn Barrett, the executive director of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, must have never read Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People.
The Texas State Rifle Association, the NRA state affiliate, is proud to have supported numerous successful bills on behalf of its more than 40,000 members across the state…
This latest bit of theatrics is part of the group’s ongoing efforts to mislead the public & the legislature that licensed concealed carry would impact off-campus parties…
They’ve chosen an area of campus where concealed carry is already allowed, to give speeches about how dangerous campus would be if concealed carry were allowed!!?
Leave it to Media Matters and other anti-gun stalwarts to argue that armed self-defense, a form of empowerment for all people, is its own form of oppression…
Should legally armed men & women who peacefully carry their private firearms everywhere else.. be barred from college property? Propaganda about concealed carry on campus…
Comments from John R Lott; “My testimony before the Nevada Assembly last week on gun-free zones was also very well received and had a powerful impact on the entire hearing”…
USA Today joined ranks with other anti-gun voices, saying women shouldn’t be allowed to carry guns on campus for self-defense…
Monday afternoon, 2/16/2015 the Florida Senate Criminal Justice Committee will hear SB 290 (the emergency evacuation bill) and SB 176 (the college campus carry bill).
Florida House Criminal Justice Subcommittee meets Tuesday, January 20th, at 4:00 pm in Tallahassee to consider Campus Carry.
We resolve to do everything within our power to protect and expand the right of self-defense throughout Florida. College Campuses are no strangers to violent crime, Campus Carry is needed now…
Within days of filing our lawsuit against Eastern Florida State College, the college agreed to amended its anti-gun policies to come in to compliance with state firearms laws…
With the passage of this bill, Idaho joins the states of Colorado, Kansas, Mississippi, Oregon, Utah, and Wisconsin which have provisions for law abiding citizens to be able to carry firearms onto parts of campus…
A leter urges Governor Rick Perry to add legislation allowing law-abiding adult Concealed Handgun Licensees to protect themselves on college campuses to the call of the third special session…
HB 972 strikes and removes the offense of committing a 3rd degree felony for the possession of a firearm on the “premises” of a private or public college or university…
HB 1243 allows staff & faculty of a public university, public college or community college, to carry a concealed handgun in the buildings of the institutions where they are employed if they have a valid Concealed Handgun Carry License…
HB 384 is MSSA’s bill to clarify that firearms locked in student vehicles in school parking lots do not subject a student to a mandatory one-year expulsion from school…
Senator Brian Birdwell and 13 co-authors filed Senate Bill 182, legislation allowing adult Concealed Handgun Licensees to protect themselves on the campuses of public colleges and universities in Texas…
The violent crime spree at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond continues. There were THREE more robberies of students Tuesday night alone…
The colleges are forced to revise their regulations in recognition of your right to bear arms and acknowledge they have no special privileges allowing them to deny your right to self-defense.
Today, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that the CU Regents cannot ban concealed carry on their campuses.
After several recent college campus shooting incidents, many states are opening up their legislative agenda to the idea allowing students to carry guns on campus.