NYPD’s License Division unable to reject gun applicants outright under Bruen, has pivoted to a new, equally unconstitutional strategy: endless delays…
The Fight for Armed Self-Defense in New York: A System Rigged Against Citizens

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
NYPD’s License Division unable to reject gun applicants outright under Bruen, has pivoted to a new, equally unconstitutional strategy: endless delays…
VA CHP applicants have had a ridiculously hard time handing over their applications to the Circuit Court Clerk, Machelle J. Eppes.
My reading was that both Ms. Stamos and Mr. Ferguson sincerely wanted to get to the bottom of the Virginia Concealed Handgun Permit (CHP) situation.
The sheriff is defending his misuse of Concealed Weapons Permit money but the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance and the Idaho Freedom Foundation won’t let him off the hook…
The Missouri House Rules Committee approved Senate Bill 75, that transfers to Missouri sheriffs the authority for issuance of Right-to-Carry permit certificates…
This permanent legislation is imperative to protect the privacy of responsible gun owners and sportsmen to ensure this invasion of privacy never happens in the Pine Tree State…
This dangerous release of personal data provides valuable information to criminals intent on stealing legal firearms. This is a clear case of harassment and a thinly veiled attempt to dissuade gun owners from seeking gun permits…
Mr. Galdo contacted the state Firearm Records Bureau & was informed that they had not received his application from Everett Police, what makes it worse is that there are no consequences to the Police…
As the Woollard case awaits action by the 4th Circuit Court, a number of questions persist regarding the status of carry permit laws and carry permit applications already submitted.
The processing of refund checks to those who have overpaid has caused an increased burden on the Florida Department of Agriculture’s Licensing Division.
Members of Long Island Firearms filed petitions against the Police Commissioner of Nassau County to ensure our Second Amendment rights are not infringed.
US District Court for the District of MD has issued an order to dissolve the temporary stay of the ruling that declared the “good and substantial” clause of MD’s carry permit law unconstitutional.
As long as MSP is willing to keep everything on hold, we strongly suggest you wait until the Federal Court rules on the stay.
My family and I have been threatened by an acquaintance. I’ve been told that it can take a while to get a CPL. Is there some way to expedite the process?
The most important legislation for legal gun owners since the Castle Doctrine and shall-issue is currently under consideration by the Michigan Legislature.
While LA County Sheriff Lee Baca advocates handing out driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, it would be nice if he did the same for concealed carry permits.
According to the MSP report, as of February 3, 2012, there were 300,786 concealed pistol license holders in Michigan.
Wisconsin Department of Justice reported that over 80,000 concealed weapons permit applications were downloaded from their website. That’s a lot of $50 checks…
The Right To Carry Road Show is back on the road again. Proceeds from this upcoming event will benefit Second Amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America and Oath Keepers….
MCL 28.425k covers alcohol. The limit is a BAC (Bodily Alcohol Content) of .02. This is essentially a zero-tolerance standard…
Concealed Carry Reciprocity for BUST!
Concealed Carry Permit Machines?
If I get pulled over by the police while I am lawfully carrying a concealed pistol, is it considered sufficient notice to hand over my Concealed Pistol License (CPL) with my Driver’s License?
I am a Michigan CPL holder planning vacation travel by car, and I am planning to bring my pistol along for safety. What are the legal ramifications of traveling with my pistol?
Governor Walker showed his true colors and the state legislature fell in lockstep by turning SB93 — the nopermit Constitutional Carry bill — into one requiring permits and training…
Individual licensed to carry a concealed pistol who is stopped by a police officer while in possession of a pistol shall immediately disclose to the police officer that he or she is carrying…
NYSRPA is looking to speak with anyone who has received a similar letter…
Can I allow my CPL to expire and then carry a receipt for payment of the application fee for a new license to prove that one is licensed…
NRA and CRPA Foundation are sponsoring two new legal actions to enforce a 16-year old court Order against the City of LA over its concealed weapons permit issuance policies…
Since the law does not prohibit carrying more than one concealed pistol, it is reasonable to interpret the statute as applying to each pistol that a CPL holder chooses to carry…