On Nov 4, 2016, F.A.I.R. Trade Group received a response from the State Department’s DDTC to our request for clarification of the congressional notification.
Knox Gun-Rights Report: Lacking Initiatives
Congressional elections are particularly critical this year, as a shift in the U.S. Senate is a real possibility.
Blank Minds Mutter: The Death of Deliberation
Anti gun Democrats acted nothing like a deliberative body. In fact, these soap opera antics were an outgrowth of the sit-in staged on the House floor…
F.A.I.R. Trade Group Requests Clarification from State on $1 Million Threshold
As most of you are aware, the Arms Export Control Act requires the State Department to certify to Congress proposed exports of ITAR-controlled defense articles when an export license…..
Anti-gun Democrats Politicize Guns, Renew Push for Gun Control
Democrats in Congress are demanding an immediate vote on gun control following the recent shootings.
An Open Letter To Congress On Gun Control Proposals
We will not compromise on any attempt to restrict American civil rights, including Second Amendment rights, without due process of law…
You Might be a Terrorist If…
Jeff Knox decries push to use new secret government list to deny firearm rights…
Subversive New ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban More for Show than Effect
Picking a hot button topic like “assault weapons” is a great way to distract gun owners from more immediate and achievable threats.
Tell Your Congressional Lawmakers: No New Federal Gun Control!
On October 9th, we reported on a partisan gun control rally on the Capitol steps that sought to exploit recent tragedy and loss to build momentum for a longstanding agenda.
Trent Kelly Wins Congressional Seat in Mississippi Special Election
District Attorney Trent Kelly won the special election to fill Mississippi’s first congressional seat which was vacated by the untimely passing of Representative Alan Nunnelee.
Rep. Steve Scalise Introduces Bill to Relax Restrictions on Interstate Firearm Sales
Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) has introduced a bill to modernize certain aspects of interstate firearms commerce.
Shield Tactical’s John W. Harrington is Running for Congress
My wife and I have prayed and talked about jumping into the political arena for some time. It’s not an easy decision, and the next two years will significantly change our lives….
Congressmen with America’s Most Popular Rifle: A Cause for Panic in DC
Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) tweeted a picture of himself and Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C) holding an AR-15. Rep. Buck later reported that the photo was taken in his Capitol Hill House office.
Polaris Helps Riders Urge U.S. Representatives to Support ‘The RIDE Act’
Polaris Industries Inc., the leading manufacturer of off-road vehicles, today launched new tools to urge U.S. Representatives to co-sponsor H.R. 999, The RIDE (ROV In-Depth Examination) Act…
Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus Announces 114th Congress Leadership
The Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus has announced the new bipartisan leadership for the recently seated 114th Congress…
Canadian MPs had Makeshift Spears; Congress May Do Better
Recently Members of Parliament (MP)s fashioned crude spears from flagpoles. If American Congressmen were threatened, they might have more effective weapons.
U.S. House of Representatives, Who Voted Pro-gun?
The vote was on a Mike Thompson (D-CA) and Peter King (R-NY) amendment to H.R. 4660, the Commerce-Justice-Science funding bill. Both Representatives hold an “F” rating…
House Leadership Ignores Gun Owners, Slams through Plastic Gun Ban Reauthorization
Straight from bumbling the shut down, the House leadership yesterday, by a voice vote, slammed through a straight ten-year reauthorization of the poorly drafted 1988 plastic gun ban…
Rep. Kelly Applauds Committee Approval of Funding Ban for UN Arms Trade Treaty
I am thrilled to see the House once again take action to stop the ATT from ever shackling our liberty, even though the Obama administration shamefully pledges to sign the Arms Trade Treaty…
Rep. Carter Amendment Would End Funding for ATF Collection of Information on Multiple Long Gun Sales
Introduced by John Carter, this bill would prohibit the use of any funds to require reporting of multiple rifle or shotgun sales…
Congressman Wants DHS to Explain Large Purchases of Ammo & Armored Vehicles
NJ Rep. Leonard Lance: DHS Must Explain Bullet Stockpile and Armored Vehicle Purchases…
Recess is On in Congress: Contact Your Lawmakers and Tell Them to Oppose Anti-Gun Legislation
As constituent, contact your lawmaker to personally voice your strong opposition to pending legislation that would ban popular semi-automatic firearms, standard capacity magazines, and private gun sales…
Gun Owners of America Endorses Congressman Paul Broun for U.S. Senate
Gun Owners of America is proud to endorse Congressman Paul Broun for U.S. Senate. Rep. Broun has been one of our most vocal leaders protecting the Second Amendment during his time in Congress…
Urge Your Congressman To Sign The Stockman-Broun Letter
We’ve seen this happen a dozen times in the past 45 years: Anti-gunners introduce legislation to ban most guns or set up a national gun registry. And, too often, so-called “pro-gun” legislators negotiate a “compromise victory” for gun control advocates…
Texas Congressman Stockman Introduces Legislation to Repeal Gun Free School Zones
We told you that Rep. Steve Stockman would be the most aggressive defender of our gun rights on Capitol Hill. He proved us right on Thursday…
Congress Finally Shrinks
The size of government can be directly measured by the number of laws it passes,” said The Uninvited Ombudsman.
Congressional Fast and Furious Report Released In Advance To Chosen Few
By not including new media reporters on important releases, the Oversight Committee is making a mistake if it thinks it can trust the establishment press to provide unbiased and complete reporting.
Outdoor Nation’s Third Annual National Congress Success with Millennial Ambassadors
Outdoor Nation joined Great Outdoors America Week to advocate for initiatives to reconnect Americans with the outdoors.
Two Representatives Looking to Neuter the NDAA
The National Defense Authorization Act would allow American citizens to be arrested on American soil, detained indefinitely, tried in a military court, and deported for torture.
Ignorant Or Lying? An Open Letter To Rep. Hank Johnson
Anti-gun Rep. Hank Johnson calls the Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal “another manufactured controversy by the second amendment, NRA Republican tea party movement.”