“Our members are well aware of what is at stake in the legislature. These proposals will leave thousands of people vulnerable with a completely unfair legal process if they are enacted…
It’s clear to myself & our organization that Governor Malloy simply does not like the notion of private gun ownership, & will use any tactic or excuse to erode constitutional rights…
Keep in mind, while some of their recommendations are already in place here in CT, the commission hopes to see these freedom shredding recommendations spread nationwide…
We could not be happier that the majority of Newtown residents did not buy into Governor Malloy’s gun control schemes. Malloy lost Newtown…
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League kicks off the week before the October 4th 2014 election by hosting two prominent 2nd Amendment activists from Colorado and Ohio…
It is now our obligation to send the current anti gun Governor Malloy back to private life…
Connecticut Citizens Defense League (The state’s largest grass roots 2nd Amendment rights group) Issues a Statement on appellate brief filed May 16th 2014 in the 2nd Circuit Federal Court of Appeals..
Along with more than 3,000 patriots and supporters, several executive members of NJ2AS attended the Connecticut Citizens Defense League, Gun Rights Rally at the State Capitol in Hartford, Ct…
We are pleased that Mark Boughton has ended his affiliation with Bloomberg’s organization, although I am not sure that the timing of his departure will help his campaign at this point…
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League, the state’s largest grass roots 2nd Amendment rights group, will be hosting a gun rights rally at the Capitol in Hartford…
While the carrying of firearms is permitted on the Capitol grounds, firearms that are now defined as assault weapons under Public Act 13-3 are now prohibited…
Just one day after receiving an adverse ruling on their Second Amendment challenge to Connecticut’s new firearms law, the plaintiffs filed a formal notice of their intention to appeal the ruling…
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League (The state’s largest grass roots 2nd Amendment rights group) Is speaking out against Mark Boughton’s official bid for governor…
For the governor’s statement to be true you would need to carry multiple guns or find a gun the holds 2 or more magazines…
With very little consideration to the several hundred thousand gun owners in Connecticut, it is hard to fathom anyone who voted for Senate Bill 1160 could consider a legitimate run for higher office???
Senator John McKinney was instrumental in implementing a historic gun control law with zero consideration for the constitutional rights of law abiding gun owners….
A widely-anticipated lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court in Connecticut, challenging the constitutionality of the new firearms law that was passed hastily by the Connecticut legislature…
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League, is hosting a Gun Rally uniting gun owners from across the state, and to lay out plans to challenge the new anti-gun law that recently passed…
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League, is hosting a Gun Rally with the purpose of uniting gun owners and lay out plans to challenge the new anti-gun law that recently passed…
Gun clubs and individuals from across the state are joining CCDL, CCS and the NRA to thoughtfully move forward with litigation…
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League, he state’s largest grass roots gun rights group, stands in opposition to Senate Bill 1160 that was signed into law today by Governor Malloy…
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League, the state’s largest grass roots gun rights group, is speaking out in opposition to the E-Cert package that could be voted on as early as this Wednesday…
This proposal would give the Chief of Police sole discretion to deny any person a “Permit for Ownership” without cause…
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League (The states largest grass roots gun rights group) Has publicly expressed sorrow and grief for the families and victims of the Newtown Murders that took place back in December…
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League (CCDL) sends out their heartfelt sympathies to the victims, families,and the entire community of Newtown, CT in the wake of today’s school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School…
Eric Holder has never demonstrated that 2nd amendment rights apply to law abiding citizens. Lawful gun owners cannot trust a joint initiative between his agency and our state government…
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League (CCDL)’s Executive Committee has released a comprehensive list of endorsed candidates for the fall 2012 elections…
CCDL, the state’s largest grassroots second amendment advocacy group, has officially endorsed Chris Coutu in his run for the 19th Senate district of Connecticut.
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League will be hosting their annual Family Picnic for the third year in a row…
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League today announced their endorsement of Jerry Labriola Jr. for Connecticut State Republican Party Chairman…