If one looks at the Democrat Party today, there is scant difference between it and the self-professed Communist Party USA which twice endorsed the election of Barack Obama…
Caruba: What is the Difference Between the DNC and the CPUSA?

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
If one looks at the Democrat Party today, there is scant difference between it and the self-professed Communist Party USA which twice endorsed the election of Barack Obama…
The sleazy, cowardly, dishonorable, & privilege-seeking (leading from the rear), need not apply. We don’t want to remember them anyway!
Failure I may encounter at the thousandth step, yet success hides behind the next bend in the road…
Lethal-force preparation starts with being a genuinely good, decent, & honorable person, adopting honesty & integrity as a personal lifestyle.
When are we going to have a conversion about left wing violence? To me, it seems long overdue…
Over the past few weeks I come to realize that this dystopian society I have been watching play out is actually a leftist utopia.
Show respect to all, but grovel before none. Be prepared to do what is true, good, and right, even when it is not understood, nor popular!
Trump, on the other hand, gives us a chance for well-deserved change and if he is not the kind of President we hoped for, we can always vote him out.
We gun owners get facts shoved in our faces. We manipulate and control many factors in order to maximize accuracy of the facts, and then we find the truth within the facts – stark, unforgiving…..
Today, if you listen to politicians, the news media and their talking heads, conservative gun owners like you & me are the problem…
So what will it be America? Liberty or tyranny? It is your choice…
I am unshaven, wearing camo pants, blood-stained shirt, un-combed hair and holding my right middle finger up in front of me because it is throbbing.
I often wonder what rituals and symbols our ascendants will be observing a thousand years from now, and if they will remember this age and our challenges, accomplishments, and failures at all!
Lincoln was such a “radical.” If Lincoln were alive today, the powers-that-be in Washington would have him on their Terrorist Watch List.
Here are the things that predictably make a hash of promising lives, even for those who otherwise have everything else going for them…
What is it about Hollywood elites who jump on their soapboxes proclaiming to be saviors of America, but then do everything imaginable to undermine the core principles of its founding?
Nations have the right to their own sovereignty. The first & foremost duty of any government is to look after & protect the best interests of its own people…
You see, we no longer patronize businesses that we know are actively working to erode our freedoms and values…
To help dispel any confusion about what the Tea Party actually stands for, its Manassas Tea Party members help explain in this uplifting video…
Child rape, even when widely accepted within Islamic “culture,” is still a crime. Sorry, but we don’t not have to “accept” this heinous filth as “normal”…
Voting is critical to holding our elected officials accountable for their actions and inactions….
It was an attitude of always finding a way to win, and that orientation was ever an article of faith, and a point of honor, within the USMC Officer Corps…
On reflection, the recent rescue of the Second Amendment from virtual annihilation in the face of the many specious arguments put forth by academics & cultural change activists is truly amazing…
The majority of American disagree with the anti-American movement, but it is a silent majority. I do believe that majority can be awoken…
How will historians look back on liberal American mythology? Bill has some thoughts on just that…
Human evolution has resulted in the current presence, at least in Western Civilization, of three subspecies: Icans, Youmaynots, and IguessIcan’ts…
We should be thankful for the left, its assaults on us are teaching us how to fight and its plots against our freedom are teaching us how to be free…
We kept telling Grandma to turn down the heat. No way was that going to happen. She would look at us, smile and say…
Charlie Kirk, the 21-year old whiz-kid from Chicago, happened by Northwest Montana last month to speak in Downtown Kalispell, MT…
Truly evil people, ascending to political power, always make the flowery argument that they can do so much additional “good,” if restraints upon them were just removed…