They don’t want you to be capable and brave. Why?
‘Be a Victim’ is No Way to Run the Republic

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
They don’t want you to be capable and brave. Why?
The suspect has been identified as Frank James, formerly considered a “person of interest” in the case, with addresses in Philadelphia and Wisconsin.
But according to CNN, the single firearm recovered at the scene was a stolen handgun. There would have been no background check for that pistol.
Former federal prosecutor Charles Stimson told Fox News Digital that the nation’s crime problem lays at the feet of “soft-on-crime district attorneys,” not guns.
It is not clear how much the fee will be, but Liccardo appears to be setting up the city for an expensive future in court.
“Millions of Americans appreciate now, more than ever, the fact that our Second Amendment protects their right to own a gun.” – Alan Gottlieb, CCRKBA
The misuse of firearms is an excuse the likes of Bloomberg use to attack to our Second Amendment rights. So let’s offer solutions that don’t violate our rights, but put bad guys away.
In the time of Covid you can tell everyone to stay home and starve, but they won’t do it. They think for themselves.
A new paper published in Journal of American College of Surgeons confirms that more legal gun carry does not increase violent crime.
Run a simple Google News search for the term “attack” and you might never want to set foot outside again.
In the United States, we see thugs attacking innocent citizens, but more of those citizens are turning themselves into a hard target by carrying a firearm.
An extensive study of silencers, silencer law, and crime shows that silencers are overregulated, with absurd criminal penalties.
Experience and research show that violent criminals seldom use holsters.
A federal judge in Omaha on Monday sentenced a woman to one year of probation for illegally buying a gun on her boyfriend’s behalf from an FFL at a pawnshop.
Recently, the FBI reported that the nation’s total violent crime rate decreased 0.9 percent from 2013 to 2014, consisting of decreases of one percent in murder and six percent in robbery, and…..
Numerous studies conducted by academic researchers and by the federal government have shown that criminals do not use legal markets to obtain guns.
If I had a nickel for every time I’ve been called “paranoid” for carrying a gun or defending the 2nd Amendment, I most certainly wouldn’t be driving around my beater of a truck.
Tragedy strikes – and the White House immediately shifts into exploitation mode, trying to use raw emotion to push “solutions” that don’t fit the facts.
Murders in the District of Columbia are not nearly as common as they were a generation ago, when the city’s crack cocaine gangs and former handgun ban held sway.
Baltimore, which despite Maryland’s restrictive gun control laws, consistently has among the worst violent crime problems of any major U.S. city.
A Catholic News Service article confirms that lack of faith in the police is one of the most important factors in high homicide rates, not guns.
An armed woman in PA stops a crime spree by a pair of criminals. Most urban dwellers know about multiple car burglaries. They are rare in rural areas.
Who would suspect that when burglars are shot, the burglary rate would go down? Oh wait we knew…
Homicides per 100,000 among New World countries where English is the dominant or official language. Firearms regulations do not correlate to homicide rates.
If 9 young Black males are shot in Wisconsin, about 8 can be expected to survive…
Executive Orders from the Obama administration earlier this week, effectively closes a secret loophole commonly used by street thugs, gang members, and the Reverend Al Sharpton…NOT
Half-Cocked: Chicago Cuts Back 911 Services