The Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, H.R. 38, has taken a major step toward becoming reality by advancing out of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee on a 18-9 party line vote, with Democrats predictably opposed.
South Dakota Gov. Larry Rhoden on Monday signed a trio of gun rights bills, according to a news release from his office.
After Democrats sent a letter to President Trump calling for the removal of Kash Patel as acting director of the ATF, a major national gun rights group is suggesting they “pound sand.”
“If the NRA decides to seek further review at SCOTUS, I am directing my office not to defend this law.” – Florida Attorney General James Uthmeier
“What other constitutionally-protected right requires police permission before it can be exercised?,” Gottlieb questioned.
Not only does the measure require a permit issued by the Washington State Patrol, but it also mandates proof of state-approved firearm safety training within the previous five years, to include a live fire exercise.
“I think it shows that the legislature…is fully intent on stripping away as many of our rights in this state as possible.” — Spokane County Sheriff John Nowels
“If you thought California Democrats couldn’t be more out of touch, here’s another example,” Assemblyman David Tangipa of Clovis said.
This would constitute genuine “gun reform,” a term which has been corrupted by the gun prohibition lobby as camo-speak for gun control.
The Washington State Department of Commerce has apparently provided more than $350,000 to the Seattle-based Alliance for Gun Responsibility.
Washington State gun rights activists are now faced with another challenge, which some consider an outrage, as the state Department of Commerce is soliciting proposals…to support an early June event called “Together We End Gun Violence (TWEGV).”
Anti-gun Democrats in Rhode Island appear poised to pass a sweeping ban on so-called “assault weapons” while the tiny state’s gun owners are girding for battle.
In office less than a month, President Donald Trump has been shaking things up, and rattling some political cages in the process, and now Rasmussen Reports is offering what might be his first “report card”
After a crazed killer opened fire at the Risbergska School in Örebro’s Västhaga district about 125 miles west from Stockholm on Tuesday, the U.S. media is paying very close attention to what is happening in Sweden.
David Hogg, co-founder of a youth gun prohibition movement following the 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, has been elected one of three vice chairs of the Democratic National Committee.
A national gun rights organization has announced a nationwide television advertising campaign encouraging America’s gun owners to sign a Petition to Congress in support of national concealed carry reciprocity
Washington state gun owners are now outraged over the introduction of House Bill 1504, a measure which would prohibit not just the purchase, but the possession of a firearm unless that gun is “Insured…
Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers is making headlines for pushing the same tired gun control agenda as former President Joe Biden did in response to December’s fatal school shooting in Madison
The first public hearing on a gun control bill during this year’s Washington State legislative session appears to have set a familiar tone for the debate on gun rights versus restrictions.
The Rasmussen poll may have been the harshest for the aging Biden, who will be remembered by 48 percent of its respondents as “one of the worst presidents in American history.”
The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2025 is already picking up support from major gun rights organizations.
The long-awaited oral arguments before the Washington State Supreme Court in the case of State of Washington v. Gator’s Custom Guns Inc., are scheduled to be heard Tuesday, Jan. 14 at 9 a.m. in Olympia.
Homicides in Washington state declined in 2024, according to data posted at two popular sites on “X” (formerly Twitter), at the same time the number of active concealed pistol licenses rose above 700,000.
Underscoring their nature as grinches, Democrats in Washington state pre-filed House Bill 1132 on Christmas Eve, which establishes limits on purchasing guns and ammunition.
If the past 12 months have taught us anything as a nation, it would have to be that gun control has actually failed in its purported mission of preventing criminals from getting guns
If there was any doubt among Washington state gun owners that the state Democratic party is joined at the hip with the gun prohibition lobby in Seattle, it has been removed by the revelation of the party’s 2025 tax agenda.
With a month remaining before history and the 2025 calendar sweep him out of office, President Joe Biden will leave the White House with his “legacy” in tatters; a testament to his career of bluster, dishonesty and gun control extremism.
Attorney William Kirk, president of Washington Gun Law, has just posted a 10-minute YouTube video titled “How Washington State Wants to Disarm You in 2025.”
The Arizona Department of Health Services (AZDHS) just put a lump of coal in the stockings of Second Amendment activists in the state by recommending that firearms be removed from households where children are present.
Head north to Seattle, where the U.S. Attorney’s Office there has just successfully prosecuted Dion Jamar Cooper, a resident of suburban Kent, who reportedly managed the straw purchases of more than 130 firearms.