Despite an Associated Press style tip issued in July 2022, the media continues to use the term “assault rifle” out of habit.
Dave Workman
Statistical Failure: Seattle’s Gun, Ammo Tax Falls Short as Homicides Soar
When the City of Seattle adopted a special tax on firearms and ammunition in the summer of 2015 proponents projected an annual revenue of between $300,000 and $500,000.
Colorado House Passes Vehicle Lock Box Bill; Stolen Guns Big National Problem
The Colorado state House Judiciary Committee has approved a bill which prohibits leaving a firearm in a motor vehicle unless stored in a lock box or the vehicle’s trunk.
Rasmussen: ‘Majority of Dem Voters’ Support Reps Refusing to Certify if Trump Wins
In an alarming report, veteran polling firm Rasmussen revealed this week that a majority of Democrat voters (57%) would support Democrats in Congress for “refusing to certify” the November presidential election results.
REPORT: Feds Spied on Citizens, Likened Pro-Gun Positions with Violent Extremism
A special House Judiciary subcommittee has issued an alarming report which alleges federal law enforcement “commandeered financial institutions to spy on Americans.”
‘FFL Killer’ Bill Passed by WA Democrats; Requirements Financially Devastating
Democrats in the Washington Legislature have passed House Bill 2118, dubbed the “FFL Killer Bill” because it adds onerous and expensive new requirements for licensed firearms dealers.
Maine Lawmakers Holding Hearings on Gun Control Measures
Maine lawmakers are hearing from the public this week about legislation filed just days ago by Democrat legislators in response to last year’s rampage in Lewiston.
Mills, Gottlieb at CPAC: Gun Control is about Weakening America
An important segment of last weekend’s Conservative Action Political Conference, virtually overlooked by the media.
Media Makes Most of Manhattan Verdict Against LaPierre, NRA
Former NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre was ordered to repay more than $4.3 million back to the association, noted CNN.
Leading Washington Anti-Gunner: ‘I’ll Get it Done Next Year’
After several gun control bills apparently died in the Washington Legislature recently, Seattle Democrat Rep. Liz Berry told the Seattle Times, she will pursue a permit-to-purchase requirement in 2025.
Will Another Cougar Attack Change Washington’s Hunting Laws?
Another cougar attack in Washington State has some people arguing on social media that it is long past time for the legislature to repeal a 1996 ban on hunting the big cats.
Morbid Messaging: AI-Generated Gun Control from the Grave
The gun prohibition movement has entered a new and macabre realm, using AI-generated messages delivered in facsimiles of the voices of the dead.
Gotham Gunplay Trashes Sensitive Area Myth Illegal Immigrant Teen Busted
A 15-year-old Illegal Immigrant from Venezuela who reportedly entered the U.S. last September has been arrested and charged as an adult in the shooting of a tourist in New York’s Times Square last week
CCRKBA Chair says Seattle-area Freeway Shootings Prove Gun Control Failure
“You can’t blame it on the lack of gun laws,” Gottlieb observed, “because the state has adopted lots of gun laws in recent years, proving that none of them work.”
Media Perpetuates Myth that ‘Gun Control’ Equals ‘Gun Safety,’ Sacrificing Credibility
As the establishment media has delighted in reporting the ongoing civil litigation against the National Rifle Association…there has been no slowing down of efforts to portray gun control groups and efforts as “gun safety” organizations and advocacy.
Federal Court Strikes Down California’s Ammunition Background Check Law
U.S. District Court Judge Roger T. Benitez has once again made headlines in California by permanently enjoining the State of California’s enforcement of the state’s ammunition sales background check provisions.
Washington Democrats Push Liability Insurance Requirement for Gun Owners
Washington State Senate Democrats are pushing a controversial bill that would require gun owners to obtain liability insurance…more than 1,100 people signed up to oppose the measure.
Utah Lawmaker Introduces Bill for Gun Lockboxes in Classrooms
In a telephone interview with Ammoland News, State Rep. Tim Jimenez, a Republican from Tooele, explained his idea. He is sponsoring House Bill 119, which creates an “Educator-Protector Program.”
Second Amendment Foundation Sues over Medical Marijuana 2A Ban
The Second Amendment Foundation has sued the U.S. Government, Attorney General Merrick Garland and two other top federal officials in a challenge of long-standing federal laws and regulations prohibiting gun possession or ownership by medical marijuana users.
Right Out of the Gate, Virginia Dems Make Clear They Haven’t Changed
No sooner did Virginia Democrats arrive in Richmond to take back control of the legislature than they quickly resurrected their gun control agenda.
Bombshell Report: Crime Dropped in 6 Ohio Cities Under ‘Permitless Carry’ Law
Violent gun-related crime in six of eight Ohio cities targeted in a recently-released study commissioned by Attorney General Dave Yost dropped in the year after the state’s “constitutional carry” law took effect.
Northwest Gunfight: Oregon M114 Smackdown, More Washington Gun Control Bills
The Pacific Northwest is in the midst of what could easily be called a “Gunfight On the Columbia River”…with a final order on Measure 114 in Oregon and a continuing stream of extremist gun control bills in Washington.
Everytown Ranks California 1st For Gun Control; State Also Has Top Body Count
Everytown for Gun Safety, the billionaire-backed gun prohibition lobbying group, was making headlines over the weekend because a state-by-state new scorecard named California as “first in the nation” for having the most restrictive gun control laws.
Washington Gun Prohibition Lobby Reveals Its 2024 Legislative Agenda
Billionaire-backed Evergreen State gun control proponents have announced their 2024 legislative wish list, and it’s already getting attention from Second Amendment activists who are rolling up their sleeves for a fight.
Heading into 50th Year, Second Amendment Foundation Redefines ‘Full Court Press’
The Second Amendment Foundation is about to celebrate a milestone—its 50th anniversary (founded in August 1974) —and as the organization moves into 2024, it does so with a full head of steam…
WaPo Targets Guns Again, Ignoring Lessons from WA, CO
One of the takeaways from the story is not what was said, but what was missing: Any examination of why restrictive gun controls fail. Simply put, criminals do not obey gun control laws.
Biden’s Anti-Gun Allies Identified: List of Dem. Lawmakers Pushing Agenda
The names of nearly a hundred Democrat state legislators from 39 states who attended the Dec. 13 White House conference held by the Office of Gun Violence Prevention
California DOJ ‘Emergency’ Regulations on CCW Designed to Restrict Instructor Numbers
Another signal that the State of California will fight tooth and nail to prevent citizens from exercising their Second Amendment rights is an “emergency regulation” announced by the state Department of Justice (CalDOJ).
White House Hosts State Lawmakers, Launching ‘Safer States Agenda’
Approximately 100 state lawmakers were invited to the White House Wednesday for the official introduction of the Biden-Harris administration’s Safer States Initiative.
Washington Democrats File Permit-to-Purchase Bill; Training, Live Fire Required
More than 20 Washington State Democrats have pre-filed legislation that would create a permit-to-purchase for anyone hoping to buy any firearm, with a training requirement that includes a live-fire demonstration of competency.