These infringements, as they always do, will only burden “law-abiding” people. Criminals will still get all the guns they want the old-fashioned way as they keep sending doctors more patients.
David Codrea
Democrats Ditching Biden/Harris is Politics, Not Principles
What we’re seeing is a cynical Democrat admission that their radical platform doesn’t play well in the heartland, so they need to hide who they are and put on a mask of moderation.
Travel Advisory Shows Democrat Border Policy Endangers America
The Democrat strategy to do this is to bring in and subsidize more uncheckable Third Worlders from violence plagued tyrannies, set them on the superhighway to citizenship, and, among other “fundamental transformations,” eviscerate the Second Amendment.
Tester’s Billionaire Donors Put Lie to Democrats Being the Party of the Common Man
So much for Republicans being the “party of the rich” and Democrats being the “party of the common man.”
Oklahoma City Mayor Shows Moderate Republicans May as Well Be Democrats
And the truth of the matter is, Republicans need gun owners more than we need them.
Mayor’s Assassination Shows Mexican Government Can Only Operate with Consent of Cartels
Mexican prohibitionists ignoring the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act to effect U.S. citizen disarmament are creatures that can only operate at the behest of cartel monsters who decapitate to terrorize.
Republican Challenger Underplaying Guns in Crucial Ohio Race
Look, the guy may be great on guns, but it shouldn’t be this hard finding out.
Celebrity’s Charity Ban Speaks to Character of Gun Prohibitionists
These are the “One Percenters” the Antifa-types rail against. That they’re given a pass tells us much.
Kamala’s Comments After Heller Decision Raise Questions Media Won’t Ask Her
So much for “Harris … branding herself as a pro-Second Amendment gun owner.” By opposing the Heller decision she was declaring the Second Amendment is not an individual right.
Texas Supreme Court Exploits Paxton Omissions on State Fair Gun Ban Complaint
The bottom line would seem to be the State Fair does not own the land and has no legal authority to ban guns on property it leases.
Backing for Astroturf Police Group for Harris Intentionally Hard to Trace
While we know some of the personalities involved, what we don’t know is who is funding them, and that looks deliberate.
Leftists Buying Guns Nothing for 2A Advocates to Crow About
There are no Second Amendment-supporting Democrats.
House Oversight Asked to Determine FBI/NICS Authority for Ammunition Purchases
Unlike FOIA requests, which can ask for records, the committee can ask questions and has subpoena power to cut through to the chase and get them answered.
‘No Notoriety’ for Mass Killers Also Means No Independently Verifiable Information
By NOT identifying the mutant, we are dependent on what ‘officials’ and their approved media megaphones tell us, cutting off independents from doing their own fact checks.
Ohio Guns to Gardens Event Raises Questions of Safety and Legality
Will the event be “no questions asked”? On whose authority can you guarantee that? What if someone brings in a functionally “illegal” gun?
Gun Controlling Brazil’s Ban on X and Free Speech Not Only Predictable but Inevitable
Freedom is interconnected. If a government is not afraid to take your guns, why would it hesitate to suppress your speech?
USA Today Shows Trademark ‘Ethics’ in Story on Vets ‘Furious’ about Trump/Arlington Incident
It went from “veterans” to “some veterans” in the blink of an eye, making it fair to ask, “Which veterans?”
Gun Owners for Harris Highlight Lie of ‘Second Amendment Democrats’
There is no parallel “pro-Second Amendment Democrat” movement happening. That’s because there’s no such thing as one.
‘Apocalyptic Luxury’ Bunkers Could Become a Deniability Trap
It sounds more like a mad dystopian Hollywood fantasy than it does serious people grasping realities necessary to survive.
‘In Common Use’ Can Ultimately be Used to Make the Second Amendment a Moot Point
Who knows what those imposing their demands will have at their disposal, along with the power to withhold from citizens 50 years from now, or 100, or beyond?
Author Offers Unique Insights on Fascism, Second Amendment, and More
[T]he first stop in understanding what the framers and ratifiers thought the 2nd Amendment means should be what they actually said it means in the debates and in the newspapers.
97Percent’s Executive Director Rips Mask Off ‘Non-Partisan’ and ‘Objective’ Facade
We’ve seen it all before, Astroturf groups funded by elites that ostensibly spoke for ‘reasonable’ gun owners.
7-Eleven Robberies Enabled and Made Inevitable by Repressing Defense of Self and Property
There’s a universal law of nature that no amount of prohibitionist gaslighting can deny, at least to people capable of recognizing truth: Predators prefer easy prey.
ATF Returns Bump Stock to Rightful Owner After Five-Year Legal Struggle
Business completed, we shook hands, wished each other a good day and left ATF offices with something that less than two months ago would have been considered an unregistered machinegun.
Marxist-Raised Raskin Proposes Starting Civil War by Denying Trump Election Eligibility
While he’s the one bemoaning civil war if he succeeds in denying half the country its choice for president, he dismisses the Second Amendment being an ultimate check against tyranny as “a constitutional joke”.
Appeal Issued on DOJ Non-Compliance with FOIA ~ Subject: Using NICS for Ammunition Checks
That all that was produced was copies of non-responsive CFR sections makes it fair to surmise such information will not be voluntarily provided because it cannot be provided.
Special Interests Combine to Block Release of Nashville Killer’s ‘Manifesto’: Why?
Her parents knew she posed a serious danger to herself, to them, and to others.
Bump Stock Return Will Reverse Roles Between Citizens & ATF
I’m getting my bump stock, which they’ve had since April 2019, back from ATF.
Snoop Dogg the Olympic Torch Bearer Despite Underage Girls Deal and Trump Violent Death Simulations
What Snoop Dogg actually represents is toxic cultural pollution.
If Harris Picks Kelly for VP, Republicans Need to Follow the Money
If Kelly is the pick, here’s hoping Republican opposition researchers investigate all his business dealings, and loudly.