It’s interesting that the rape is alleged to have been committed at an MTV party, and a bigger corporate shill for a decadent totalitarian monopoly of violence you will not find.
Discover the details of the proposed ban on ‘deceptively colored firearms’ in Michigan. Find out how this legislation could affect gun owners.
With Hunter Biden’s court record and the pardon, the government cannot credibly evade a responsive production of documents with claims it has used in the past.
When we see it happening with things we know, like guns, it’s fair to question what else were being gaslighted on.
And note the Constitution doesn’t just say that executive officers have to take the oath—it says they are “BOUND” by it. That means once she volitionally “unbinds” herself, she’s in violation of a non-negotiable requirement and must be removed from office.
That makes using resulting data to “inform” legislation demonstrably irresponsible and dangerous.
“Until America, door to door, takes every handgun, this is what you’re gonna have,” Stallone declared…
It’s ironic that Jones has essentially been punished for “fake news,” the very thing The Onion exploits for its own profits.
Can we at least have some time for public input on something that can profoundly affect us all before sneaking this through?
So, any thought of disobeying them must be destroyed – along with anyone daring to spread the idea that the oath is to the Constitution, not to a regime and its unlawful orders.
For now, there are several good choices for gun owners that DeWine can make, a few problematic ones, and one that’s completely unacceptable, his previous pick Dolan.
That Vote Common Good has to use secular celebrities to voice a message they want to appeal to Christians with tells us much…
There is someone to stop a dictator, any dictator, and lots of them. That’s what they’re afraid of.
There may be some nominally “pro-gun” Democrats. There are no pro-Second Amendment Democrats.
These infringements, as they always do, will only burden “law-abiding” people. Criminals will still get all the guns they want the old-fashioned way as they keep sending doctors more patients.
What we’re seeing is a cynical Democrat admission that their radical platform doesn’t play well in the heartland, so they need to hide who they are and put on a mask of moderation.
The Democrat strategy to do this is to bring in and subsidize more uncheckable Third Worlders from violence plagued tyrannies, set them on the superhighway to citizenship, and, among other “fundamental transformations,” eviscerate the Second Amendment.
So much for Republicans being the “party of the rich” and Democrats being the “party of the common man.”
And the truth of the matter is, Republicans need gun owners more than we need them.
Mexican prohibitionists ignoring the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act to effect U.S. citizen disarmament are creatures that can only operate at the behest of cartel monsters who decapitate to terrorize.
Look, the guy may be great on guns, but it shouldn’t be this hard finding out.
These are the “One Percenters” the Antifa-types rail against. That they’re given a pass tells us much.
So much for “Harris … branding herself as a pro-Second Amendment gun owner.” By opposing the Heller decision she was declaring the Second Amendment is not an individual right.
The bottom line would seem to be the State Fair does not own the land and has no legal authority to ban guns on property it leases.
While we know some of the personalities involved, what we don’t know is who is funding them, and that looks deliberate.
There are no Second Amendment-supporting Democrats.
Unlike FOIA requests, which can ask for records, the committee can ask questions and has subpoena power to cut through to the chase and get them answered.
By NOT identifying the mutant, we are dependent on what ‘officials’ and their approved media megaphones tell us, cutting off independents from doing their own fact checks.
Will the event be “no questions asked”? On whose authority can you guarantee that? What if someone brings in a functionally “illegal” gun?
Freedom is interconnected. If a government is not afraid to take your guns, why would it hesitate to suppress your speech?