This NBC report is a classic example of how media bias can distort a story, leaving readers with a skewed understanding of the issues at hand. GunTubers aren’t running away; they’re…
Dead Media
The Corrupting Mainstream Media aka: The Fourth Estate
A media machine running 24 hours a day, seven days per week, no matter what, can’t possibly be a good thing for the country.
Media Lies About Trump’s Sex Remarks
The media, completely in the tank for the other candidate, the female who repeatedly attacked abused women for complaining about her husband Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults on them.
Icebergs, Corrupt Media and Guns .. Oh My
Create a problem in search of a solution that fits their agenda, spread fear and lies to enact regulation and ultimately control of free Americans…
‘Under the Gun’ Director, Stephanie Soechtig, Confesses to Federal Gun Crimes
Ms. Stephanie Soechtig excitedly states in a video interview with The Lip TV how she brazenly broke federal gun laws for Katie Couric’s anti gun hit piece Under the Gun..
Beware Indeed – War with Islam Reminders
Burying important facts regarding threats to our lives, while simultaneously claiming that ‘Islam is a religion of peace, ad nauseam’ represents a deliberate act of denying reality…
Daily News Continues Assault on Truth with Brooklyn ‘Smart Gun’ Hit Piece on NRA
The NRA isn’t a gun company. Everybody knows that. Except, evidently, the ace “reporters” at the Daily News with all those resources at their fingertips…
Seeing Is Not Believing, 4th Estate Making It Up in Indiana
A person has to wonder why any newspaper on life support & has to post people at shopping centers to gin up new subscribers would be willing to play a prank on what few readers they have left…
2016 Edition Of The Journalist’s Guide To Gun Violence Coverage
This edition updates the basic principles and makes them relevant to the news environment of 2016. Please distribute only within the Journalism community…
New York Times Attempts to Revive the Viral Theory of Gun Control
This sad excuse for a news article is part of the current anti-gun offensive being waged by the Times.
Gallery of Charlatans No Longer See Themselves As Legitimate Journalists
Leftist media editors have quickly dropped calls for gun control. Too many of their viewers are sick of hearing that tired line, & they make their impatience known!
The New York Times Calls For National Gun Confiscation
As these un-American interests so dare to bring America to its knees, there will be a day of reckoning. And that day of reckoning is fast approaching.
Media Goes BatSh*t Crazy Over Canadian Prime Minister Stating The Obvious on Guns
It’s fascinating to watch the firestorm over Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s recent comments about rural Canadian gun owners…
Rubber Bullets & Stupid Reporters the Ignorance is Deafening
Reporters are supposed to provide unbiased and accurate information about events. Intentional distortion and willful ignorance about the subjects they’re covering is inexcusable…
White House Announces Guns Do Deter Crime, Encourages Training – Official Version Says Other
At a subconscious level, anything the mainstream pronounces is taken as the “official” version…
Correcting Misconceptions About Modern Sporting Rifles
Correcting Misconceptions About Modern Sporting Rifles
MSNBC Pushing Hate Agenda Against Gun Owners
MSNBC Crops Video To Push Hate Agenda Against Gun Owners Like You