On Monday, March 24, 2025, the New Jersey Assembly passed several gun control bills. Most of the bills addressed issues which are already illegal under both state and federal law!?
This is about politics for them, not public safety. They need to keep their anti-gun base satiated because they have proven they have no real answers to fix the state’s enormous problems.
…outrageous insult to the citizens of this state that they will continue to be denied their rights while dangerous extremists like Evans, Manning & far-left staffers are allowed to go armed.
That’s exactly why the Founding Fathers included the 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights – to allow citizens to shoot back at tyrannical government….
Anti-gun Democrats in Trenton have wasted no time getting back to politics, again ignoring real issues faced by the citizens of New Jersey. Going all in on gun control.
A “license to buy” gun owners card was added through an amendment on Second Reading in the CO. Senate. It implements training requirements & a registry…
The legislature wastes thousands upon thousands of dollars to draft and move stupid bills like this to feed the insatiable egos of clowns like Manning and Prozanski.
NY’s anti-gun politicians will keep pushing restrictions until SCOTUS slams the door shut. The Supreme Court must step in, & make it clear that the 2nd Amendment is not a second-class right.
Gun control advocates were using taxpayer dollars to fund their campaign to rob Americans of their Constitutionally-protected rights to keep and bear arms.
The primary “expertise” brought to the process by this boy will be his virulent hatred of the Second Amendment and the rights of law-abiding gun owners.
The willingness of some in the U.S. to aid a foreign power in an assault on American industry and Americans’ Constitutional rights is sad and disturbing.
This gun control bureaucracy had no place in the White House, and it should never have been created, Its supporters are having fits on the Internet, which convinces us that President Trump’s swift action was correct.
The Biden-Harris Administration’s Emerging Firearm Threats Task Force report has once again demonstrated their complete and manifest contempt for the People of the United States and their constitutionally protected rights..
Gun bans for 18-20 year olds. Bans on specialty triggers. Bans on concealed carry in all public buildings and property around them. Waiting periods, new red tape for background checks, and of course …
Win, lose, or draw, after every election, the left invariably resumes scheming to destroy Western society and replace it with Neo-Marxism.
Lame-duck IL politicians are pushing this gun-grabbing legislation that not only imposes a 24-hour surrender deadline but also grants law enforcement sweeping authority to confiscate firearms…
Notable changes target how firearms are stored in vehicles and the procedures for obtaining concealed carry permits.
A recent survey reveals that a majority of American voters believe that President Donald Trump & a GOP majority in Congress will better protect 2n Amendment rights than Democrats.
Any discussion of gun-related violent crime that does not consider the Black communities allegiance to the Democrat party is a fundamentally ignorant or dishonest discussion.
Make no mistake, the firearm industry and the individuals it serves are under attack today and isn’t relying on a few ballot box successes to keep our freedoms safe.
…ignoring the criminals committing the crimes, blaming the firearm industry for criminal firearm misuse and pushing more gun control restrictions on law-abiding Americans.
Governors in gun control states, as well as the activist groups that spur them on, aren’t listening to voters & are going all in to buttress gun control laws against President-elect Trump…
Under the Supreme Court’s recent Bruen ruling, any law that burdens the right to bear arms could face constitutional scrutiny, raising questions about whether this tax could ultimately hold up in court.
In an Epic campaign strategy FAIL, Kamala Harris’ team introduced a custom, gun-free map on the popular game Fortnite, hoping to appeal to young voters.
The Democratic Party has openly and brazenly declared war on the Second Amendment and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and against our Republic
In today’s heated political climate, it is all too easy to witness cognitive dissonance on full display, particularly when discussing President Trump and the Right To Keep & Bear Arms.
The embarrassing incident, which was meant to showcase Walz as a gun-friendly candidate, backfired spectacularly, drawing mockery from conservatives and hunters alike.
Kamala Harris and the Biden Administration want to control and censor 3D printing software in violation of your 1st Amendment free speech rights.
The attacks on the 2nd Amendment by team Biden is telling that the anti-American left believes that they are near the end of their campaign to transform America as Obama promised…
John Feinblatt, President of Everytown for Gun Safety, appears to have “insider knowledge” of the discussions between Glock and the White House, as indicated by social media posts following the filing of the lawsuit.