An interesting exchange took place in the Senate as Texas Senator Ted Cruz politely asked gun-control crazy Dianne Feinstein how she would feel applying her view on the Second Amendment to other parts of the Bill of Rights…
This is by no means a done deal. Senate Democratic leadership could still change their mind and include the gun and magazine ban legislation in the final bill…
Thursday’s strict party-line vote by the Senate Judiciary Committee to move anti-gun Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s measure banning so-called ‘assault weapons’ was an insult to millions of law-abiding American…
Feinstein is proposing a massive new gun and magazine ban and the banning of private transfers of firearms, erroneously claiming these measures would reduce crime…
You are a representative of the people. In your letter you use the phrase “It is my opinion.” Well, madam, we do not pay you for your opinion. We pay you to represent our opinions. There is a difference…
Unlike the healthcare debate though, the proposals for new gun control would make instant felons out of hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, of otherwise law-abiding citizens…
Cam Edwards talks to Jennifer Leslie, National Field Director for Smart Girl Politics – They are circulating a petition against Senator Dianne Feinstein’s gun control proposals…
But Universal Background Checks still pose the greatest threat to gun owners right now…
According to the bill, any semiautomatic firearm that uses a magazine — handgun, rifle or shotgun — equipped with a “pistol grip,” would be banned…
Turns out my firearms are listed multiple times, so I guess I should get ready to give my guns in and/or register myself as pedophile/evil gun owner???
Along with Senator Feinstein’s new civilian disarmament bill, she released what she calls “proof” that the 1994 “Assault Weapons” ban worked…
These guns represent only 40% of what Feinstein ultimately wants to ban. We’re supposed to believe that this extensive list of guns is all driven by the fact that a criminal misused an AR-15 on Dec. 14th???
Senator Feinstein’s newly introduced gun control bill proves once and for all that the the anti-gun crowd does not care one bit about “gun violence”…
We clearly face the most serious threat to our fundamental Second Amendment rights in the last 20 years, and law-abiding gun owners need to ACT NOW to ward off an unprecedented onslaught on our
Just how many Citizens, having committed no crime other then peaceful non compliance with an Unconstitutional and treasonous gun control scheme are the gun grabbers willing to kill in furtherance of..
No compromise: Members of Congress who support gun control by any means, procedural or substantive, will be targeted for defeat by Coalition members…
Unbelievably , this isn’t the first time Feinstein and her acolytes have based Federal Law on nothing more then scary images..
I am not your subject. I am the man who keeps you free. I am not your servant. I am the person whom you serve. I am not your peasant. I am the flesh and blood of America…
Once the Feinstein/Obama gun-grab bill becomes law, the government will publish a list of 900 “good” guns – guns that you will ostensibly be allowed to keep – for now…
Immediately following the Newtown tragedy, President Obama announced that gun control will be a top priority of his second term, in stark contrast to his campaign rhetoric
Attention hunters, recreational shooters, competitive shooters, and all gun owners. Feintein and Obama want your guns too…
Dianne Feinstein and her cabal of tyrants to introduce the most sweeping, draconian and Unconstitutional Gun Control Bills since the Gun Control Act of 1968…
The new ban would adopt new definitions of “assault weapon” that would affect a much larger variety of firearms, require current owners of such firearms to register them with the federal government…
Yesterday it became official: Gun owners who want to hang on to their “grandfathered” semi-automatic firearms will not only have their guns registered, they will be fingerprinted and photographed like common criminals…
Molon Labe – These two words signify the refusal to simply roll over and submit to the demands of a tyrant with overwhelming force at his disposal demanding free people to lay down their arms…
President Obama has put in charge JOe Biden in charge of ramming new gun control schemes through Congress — has already said he sees no reason why a new so-called “assault weapons ban” can’t pass…
New information about U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein’s promised new gun “control” legislation that seeks to ban “assault weapons” and “high-capacity” ammunition magazines has just been released…
If you labor under the misconception that Barack Obama’s proposed gun ban will encompass only “assault weapons,” you are about to get a wakeup call…
If Feinstein’s and Cuomo’s plan is allowed to proceed even one step further without being vociferously and publicly protested and killed in utero…
President Obama and a usual cast of characters, in keeping with their longstanding practice of not letting any crisis go to waste, quickly used the tragedy to push their gun ban agenda…