Fake mass-shooting data has infected the medical community for a long time, and the infection is spreading.
Doctors Citing Fake Mass-Shooting Data to Justify Questioning Patients About Guns

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Fake mass-shooting data has infected the medical community for a long time, and the infection is spreading.
An April 1 article in The Atlantic reveals what appears to be a newly re-energized effort by the medical community to stick its stethoscope where it doesn’t belong: In your gun safe.
A newly released study shows there is “NO association between increased lawful firearm sales & rates of crime or homicide”…
So far we strongly object to the notion that doctors have any right to ask patients routinely about gun ownership. That’s an ethical violation and malpractice if it leads to harm.
The AMA has left most physicians behind by focusing on politics more than medicine as they continue denigrating the vast number of Second Amendment respecting health care providers…
Scientific American is following the old CDC model of picking a desired outcome and selectively promoting views and data which support the objective…
Few people cling to their prejudices as bitterly as ivory tower types who talk only to each other. Arthur Caplan, by his own demonstration, is no exception.
DRGO invites healthcare providers who respect Second Amendment rights to join a free referral service.
They misleadingly describe these as “gun safety laws”, but they are actually all restrictions on Americans’ Constitutionally enshrined right to keep and bear arms.
Important, major news broke on March 27, 2017 as “DRGO Releases Position Paper Supporting Access to Firearms Suppressors.”
When professional medical organizations are on record saying their aims are to reduce firearms ownership, we cannot trust their guidance to be objective or impartial.
FOPA also precluded routine documentation of gun ownership, which is a worry of many firearm owners who wish no one to know these private matters. FOPA was meant to address such problems.
The pursuit of good health often requires accepting risk—sometimes the risk of mental instability, severe injury, or death.
The restrictions on suppressor ownership has had a demonstrably negative impact on public health & safety, creating health problems for Americans…
After founding Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership 23 years ago and acting as its director, Timothy W. Wheeler, MD is retiring at the end of this year.
This experience busted the myth for me that Snopes.com is an objective myth buster. Myths are apparently easier to bust than political controversies.
The fact is Americans have lived in freedom for so long, we are not only too trusting with liberty, & don’t even notice the piecemeal erosion of our freedoms.
Despite his recent statements, prior to the presidential election cycle Donald Trump’s public positions on the right to keep and bear arms have been at best inconsistent…
The Lone Ranger was arrested in Lone Pine, California today for the crime of illegally transferring silver bullets.
During the founding of America and our republic, the general belief was that religious faith was necessary to the health of a people…
My short article outlining the reasons not to support Proposition 63 should be welcome. But the society refused to publish any opinion that differed from its official position.
The President signed a new directive requiring background checks, including fingerprints, for every ‘transfer’ of drugs & medications.
It seems that whenever anti-gunners start losing an argument based on logic, they resort to the “think of the children” strategy.
Let’s be absolutely clear—gun ownership is an enumerated constitutional right. It is at the top of the list of the civil rights of all Americans.
The persistence and vigor of the myth of “vaccine induced autism” is similar to the myths of the “gun show loophole” and the “internet gun sale loophole”.
Really? Three per cent of American gun owners own half the guns? That seems wildly off the mark.
Anti gun Democrats acted nothing like a deliberative body. In fact, these soap opera antics were an outgrowth of the sit-in staged on the House floor…
So why does the Department of Homeland Security recommend raising your voice or throwing a stapler at the killer when what is clearly required is deadly force?
This hack job should be expected, as The Trace is a news organization funded by the gun banners at Everytown for Gun Safety & the Joyce Foundation…
Unfortunately, many states legislate that hospitals are to be gun free zones. Despite provisions in the law that allow hospitals to give permission to License Holders to carry on hospital campuses…