Yes, you pay for Custom Shop S&W Model 19 Carry Comp Revolver, but the gun itself is a little jewel. A small revolver that is accurate and fun to shoot.
Smith & Wesson Performance Center Model-19 Carry Comp Revolver ~ 1st Shots

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Yes, you pay for Custom Shop S&W Model 19 Carry Comp Revolver, but the gun itself is a little jewel. A small revolver that is accurate and fun to shoot.
Do not let what party you belong to separate us. 60% of Democrats do not believe the 2A should be repealed; let us remind them they are not alone.
Here is a list of all laws democrat politicians have pushed through, a dream list for the gun control advocates, and they all failed!
The purpose of the Biden Administration’s proposed laws is NOT to save lives or keep people safe but to destroy the firearms culture in America & punish those who disagree with them.
When I saw that a block of 2020 Presidential absentee ballots turned up all 100% for Biden, I ask a question, it that likely or even mathematically possible?
The purpose of the lawsuit brought to dissolve the NRA is intended to sideline the NRA for the upcoming election – nothing more.
A survey of recent gun sales from local gun stores shows 80% of all new gun purchases are first-time gun buyers incentivised by COVID-19 panic
Ventura’s legal counsel told lawyer Ronda Kennedy on the phone that if someone owns a gun, banning the purchase of a new gun and ammunition sales is not an infringement of their rights
In the first seven months of 2019, shootings in New York City were up 5%. This year it looks like a 17% increase. So between 2018 and today, we’re looking at a +22% increase in shooting in NYC.
When Democrats call for a ban on “assault weapons,” they mean ALL semi-automatic firearms. While they talk about banning “weapons of war,” they want your 10/22. What they say in public…
I don’t see the NRA changing back to what they once were. With 120,000,000 gun owners, we are the largest voting block in any national election. Have lost our unified voice.
Part of the political success of anti-gun politicians in the last election was due to the absence of the NRA in house campaigns, and their absence turned Virginia into California-East.
There are more gun owners than there are Republicans, if we get just 3% more to show up for elections, we’ll have the votes to protect our rights.
The future does not bode well for a country that is so deeply divided. Right now, good god-fearing Americans are winning the arms race, but for how long?
Most of us don’t want a second Civil War, though many of us will fight, and a very few even think war is a good idea. But the obvious question is what would it look like?
But then they never really wanted it passed anyway. Democrats NEED gun control as a wedge issue to scare a suburban woman into voting for them in 2020.
In a nation divided it is important to remember that the 120,000,00 gun owners vote as a block only when they feel threatened, and Democrats, you’re doing a pretty good job of that.
Every time a tragedy happens you steal a slice of our rights. A silver here, a shaving there. The result is always the same. We lose our rights for meaningless laws that will not make anyone safer.
Thank you, sir, for your decades of service. Thank you for defending the 2A. Thank you in advance now for doing the right thing. Few men can place their pride aside for the greater good.
Only 22% of all mass shooting used AR style rifles. As a Percentage of the population, most shooters are of middle eastern descent.
Adding to the cash drain is the New York State lawsuit and the NRA’s hired lawyer bleeding us of cash. You can see that Governor Cuomo is happy to run out the litigation clock along with Wayne…
So I’ve waited to write this letter, having seen the good the NRA does it was and is important to gather all the information before voicing my opinion.
There are approximately 120,000,000 gun owners in the US. Remove the gangs and drugs, the US is one of the SAFEST countries in the world.
Back when the concept that owning a gun to protect yourself was part of just being an American and the 2nd Amendment was never a question, the Democrats wove into their DNA the desire to disarm…
You do this all so you can appease your Urban Masters in New York, LA, and Chicago and we on the Pro-Freedom side could not be happier for your help arming America..
What if I told you with-in 5 hours Bloomberg can have a team on the ground of any school shooting to organize protests and coordinate with CNN, the press arm of the gun confiscation movement.
Race Riots means a raise in ratings and clicks. Race Riots means the leftist get Trump media can promote their lies that the President is evil and progressivism is good.
NRA Range Services offers a number of resources to public and private ranges across the country including on-site assistance, educational seminars, grants, and much more.
Their bigger goal is to “destroy the gun culture in Ventura County.” In case you’re wondering all the local liberal politicos will be there to celebrate the mass shooting.
Jeff Knox and I had a chance to spend some time together at the 2019 Shot Show. It was a frank and honest conversation about our views of the NRA, the battle for our RKBA and its future.