Yes sometimes the NRA pokes the bear, they over react and touch our fears when they don’t have to. Let me say … who cares?
Don McDougall
James T. Hodgkinson’s Plan was Clear – Make Pelosi Speaker Again
James T. Hodgkinson’s plan was clear. He wanted to kill enough Republicans to wrest control of the House from the GOP and make Nany Pelosi speaker again.
Why The Washington Post is Full of Crap on Gun Rights
So Washington Post, you’re a fool, and 100+ million American gun owners agree with me on that…
The Truth About Gun Violence
Warning: These FACTS will get you called a racist. The sources for this article is all published data. I’ve even added a reading list for those skeptics who want to learn more…
Antifa or Anti-First Amendment Group Wants to Give Their Monkeys Guns
“Who do you think the fascist is more afraid of? People with only flags and bats or people with flag, bats and guns?”
Bill Clinton RAPED Juanita Broaddrick, But Trump Is The Bad Guy?
Bill Clinton RAPED Juanita Broderick, Donald Trump told some girl she was chubby. Guess who the liberal elite call a sexist?
The NRA, The Greatest Force For Good In America
The NRA is one of the greatest forces for good in America defending all civil rights, yet it is slandered and lied about to promote anti-freedom policies…
Keep Your Powder Dry – Democrats Doubled Down on Gun Confiscation
The top two come from the new Senate Minority Leader (Chuck Schumer) the last one the minority leader in the House (Nancy Pelosi).
Post-Election for #NeverTrump Supporters, Feel the Hate
The NRA will not get the credit deserved in the Trump win, & the #nevertrumps sold us out. The #nevertrump crowd just didn’t care & now we shouldn’t care for them..
Guns You Could Buy Under Trump’s Tax Plan
If Hillary wins I’ll have to hold off on buying anything new for a while. Her tax plan means a cut back on personal spending.
Hateful Tone of Debate on the 2nd Amendment Started by Clinton & the Left
No other Democrat presidential candidate has ever opened their campaign calling for a gun ban and confiscation of your firearms. Only Hillary Clinton has…
The Anti-Gun Movement’s War Against the NRA Is Based on Lies
Gun violence exists in only very small portions of our population. Most gun crime is committed by a small group of people, and 40% are repeat offenders.
The NRA Is Not Spending Money to Help Trump
So let me repeat: The election of Hillary Clinton means the right to own a firearm dies with our generation.
Clinton’s Polling Data – Why It Is a Fraud
How Polls work, and how their bias is used to beat down Trump and throw the election to Clinton…
Glock vs 1911 … Or is the 1911 Just DOA
Glock vs 1911, will the best everyday carry handgun please stand up.
Clinton & Used Dead Kids
Why do liberal parents feel the need to use their dead children for political gain?
Why the Lefts Message on Gun Control and the NRA Falls Flat
Why the anti-gun message keeps falling flat and why their message cannot make you hate the NRA.
FMK 9C1 G2 Compact 9mm Pistol – Near Perfection
As an NRA instructor I get to shoot a LOT of different guns. With a local price tag of UNDER $400.00 my first thought was the FMK 9C1 G2was too cheap to be worth shooting…
Anti-Gun Left Is Milking The Orlando Tragedy for All It’s Worth
If you took all the new laws, the anti-gun Democrats are proposing and applied them universally back, say ten years ago. Not ONE mass shooting would have been prevented. Not ONE. Not one life…..
Hillary’s Position Against Guns in Her Own Words
One thing is clear; Hillary is in fact coming for your guns. She does not respect your right to own a gun, does not believe that right is protected by the constitution and is willing to flat out lie..
Gun Control History and the NRA
History may not repeat itself but it often rhymes, and gun grabbing politicians are driven by politics, not saving lives. Until that stops nothing will change…
Gun-O-Rama Comes to the Del Mar (San Diego) Gun Show on July 9th
Gun-O-Rama is coming to the Del Mar (San Diego) Gun Show on Saturday, July 9 from 9 am to 2 pm.
Do You Feel Compelled to Hide Your Support for Trump?
I say I’ll take a competent ass who grows the economy and protects America, over a corrupt politician any day..
California: Gun Owners Are Winning; You Just Don’t Know It Yet
Are we seeing the last throws of the anti-gun left in CA. As they willing eat their own…
Hillary & Common Sense Gun Control, FYI It’s Not
Labels and words mean things, don’t let Hillary define her move to ban guns as nothing more than “Common Sense,” when it is not.
What Would America Look Like If We Removed Urban Gun Violence From Our Society?
If we remove the gun related deaths caused by gangs & drugs what would that number look like?
Brady Campaign’s Answer to NRA’s Strong Independent Women Stories… Kid Snuff Films
The Brady Campaign makes snuff films for kids, and a documentary that spends its last 1/3 of the film GLORIFY the Aurora Theater shooter is now out on-line.
One of Those Days – Something Other Than Election Crap
The club had about 25 shooters out for the match. IDPA didn’t exist yet, and IPSIC was struggling with how to deal with race guns…..
The Washington Post Says Gun Owners Are Bigots
A pair of left wing shrinks showed people pictures of black and white people and found that their feeling about owning a gun was stronger after seeing pictures of the black person.
NRA’s Little Red Riding Hood Exposes What Anti-Gunners Really Think About Women
The NRA family blog is running updated fairytales where the protagonists are armed. And the anti-gun left’s heads are collectively exploding….