Women’s shooting in exploding in California. For all of the gun bashing and rhetoric CA has more Women on Target courses than any other states.
Don McDougall
Do All Lives Matter? 5 Questions for the Anti-Gun Left
The anti-gun left never answers any questions. You have to BELIEVE with all your heart in their views and blindly follow their prose.
The Reason Bernie Won in Michigan That Hillary Wants to Keep Secret
The reason Bernie won in Michigan that Hillary wants to keep secret – Her move to ban guns Vs NRA support for Bernie’s position on PLCAA.
The NRA – Politics and New Gun Owners
As an NRA Instructor, I see it, you probably see it also. The New Gun Owners. The 20 something with that new shiny AR or Glock. They were bitten by the gun bug and almost immediately they’re in deep.
Teaching Kids About Guns, the Future of Our Country – Get Involved
At the time, I was instructing rifle for the local Marine JROTC program. The local school district was opposed to anything military so while even as a formalized group they received zero…
Why Some People Don’t Support the NRA – From Junk Mail to Mortars
Don McDougall expresses some of the reasons people decide not to support the NRA.
An Open Letter From an NRA Member to Anti-Gun Activists
I believe we need to come together as a country, we are as divided as I can remember. To be blunt anti-gun activism is a serious part of the problem. Also to be blunt most gun owners just was…..
Hillary Will Take Your Guns – Part II
I contend that Hillary sees the 2nd Amendment as a collective right and that she will use litigation as her primary tool to destroy the gun and freedom loving culture in America.
Hillary Clinton Will End Private Gun Ownership
For the 1st time in American history, the leading candidate for the Democrat party is running on a platform that would prohibit the private ownership of firearms.
The NRA Competitive Shooting Goes On-Line
The NRA is so much more than just protecting our rights. They ARE sports shooting and competition. As well as the source for firearms training and safety education…
Gun Control and Rape Facts
One of the Presidential candidates commented that an increase in rapes was one of the results of the Australian gun confiscation.
The Demographics of Today’s NRA – Bad News for Haters
The NRA is 23% democrat! Only slightly less than the national average! The NRA supports ANY politician who respects the 2nd Amendment & the Constitution.
The NRA Is Competition, and You Should Be Competing
More than politics or articles the NRA oversees 11,000 matches a year, 50 national championships and supports 15,000 shooting clubs…
Hillary Clinton and the Second Amendment
Hillary Clinton’s attack on gun rights has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment; it is all about money,,, over $7,000,000.
Discussing Gun Control with Your Niece – Things You Need to Know
First off, it is always your Niece. You look at your Nephew and say “Dude.. want to go shooting?” The young man is grabbing his coat and asking what guns to bring. Just a note they LOVE 1911’s!
If Not For The NRA Your Right To Guns Would Be Gone
Last year when the NRA warned that Hillary and the President would place our rights at risk we were told we were paranoid for listening to the NRA.
Numbers Don’t Lie – the Statistic You Need to Prove the Gun Grabbers Wrong
A simple fact is the anti-gun left spout numbers and statistics all the time, they get them wrong, keep on repeating them and sooner or later they get treated as fact.
Anti Boycott – We All Have a Choice
A Newton-based gun control group called on it’s members and other true believers to boycott companies that are owned by Cerberus Management a holding and investment company.
NRA Claims Millions of Members, But How Many Are Current?
More people shoot each weekend than play golf in the summer. These shooters still consider themselves members of the NRA even if they paid their dues or not…
The NRA Is Competitive Shooting
The simple fact is the core of the NRA is competitive shooting.
Join The NRA…Why? What’s In It For Me?
After a basic pistol course for new shooters one of the young men asked, “Why should I join the NRA? I mean what’s in it for me.”
We Have Won The War On Gun Safety – I Want The Damn Parade
With the help of the NRA & lawful Americans everywhere we have won the war on gun safety & reduced violent gun crime. Where is our parade?
Why Gun Owners Call BS Every Time Anti-Gun Left Calls for Common Sense
If it was just not for that darn NRA thwarting these “common sense” laws to save the lives of children the world would be a safer place…
100,000+ NRA Firearms Instructors Nationwide & Boy Are They Busy
The NRA is far more than Wayne LaPierre appearing on Face The Nation, or the magazine you get once a month. The NRA does more to support law enforcement & safety training than anyone in America…
The NRA the Anti-Gun Media Does NOT Want You To Know
In a series of articles we will pull back the curtain on the good work and services provided by the National Rifle Association, the NRA…