The time has come to ask some questions, because it’s obvious that the Democrat Party attempted to steal the election of 2016. What would have happened if they had succeeded?
Election 2016
US House Intelligence Committee FISA Memo Released, Read Full Memo Here
Having stonewalled Congress’ demands for information for nearly a year, it’s no surprise to see the FBI and DOJ issue spurious objections to allowing the American people to see information…
Liberals Arming Up, We Kept the “Rights” On & You’re Welcome
In the circle of life and partisan politics, what goes around, comes around, and liberals’ heads are spinning….
Advance Our Agenda, For Once
First, we must declare victory! We shout from the rooftops that we have defeated our enemy. We won, and we make no bones about it.
Gun Vote Wins
Those who understand politics immediately recognized NRA’s important role in what many called the most stunning political upset in American history.
Predictable Tears From Obama, Clinton, Reid & Liberal Media ~ All Losers
At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child- miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic, and useless. Liberalism is the philosophy of sniveling brats!
Post Trump Thoughts & How to Deal with Crybabies
We prevented the destruction of our free country & stabilize it. We have the three branches of government & a President working to pull the country back from the brink.
Will Trump Betray us with Petraeus?
The Firearms Coalition is also opposing Romney and Giuliani due to their past positions and concrete actions in support of gun control.
NRA Ad Urges Voters to Elect John Kennedy for U.S. Senate ~ VIDEO
John will be an outstanding advocate for Louisiana gun owners in the U.S. Senate and is the only candidate in this race who will stand strong against the Obama/Bloomberg/Clinton gun control agenda
Did Trump Win the Popular Vote – Probably
So with 11 million illegal aliens, 1.8 million dead people registered to vote and 7 million people registered in multiple states. What makes you think the results from our elections are honest?
The Election of Trump Is a People’s Triumph Over The Insanity Of Gun Control
“Our country has been heading downward morally, economically and politically” Snyder said. “The election outcome has given us a chance to reverse that downward trend…
Trump’s Second Amendment Coalition
Just days before the presidential election, Donald Trump’s campaign announced the formation of a Second Amendment coalition.
SOTG Radio Reminds America’s Cops Who Has Their Backs
The productive, responsible people of the United States sent a message to police officers nationwide on Tuesday November 8, 2016; “We have your back.”
Tumultuous Week Reinforces Importance of Trump’s Election Victory
The anti-Trump forces and media, who are now doubling down on mob rule, hopefully will only guarantee their continued irrelevance…
Keep Your Powder Dry – Democrats Doubled Down on Gun Confiscation
The top two come from the new Senate Minority Leader (Chuck Schumer) the last one the minority leader in the House (Nancy Pelosi).
Still Shaking Off the Dust?
Still shaking off the dust? It’s been a hard ride the last few months and weeks, but the election is behind us.
Tennessee IS In Need Of New Legislative Leadership
The message from election day 2016 is that the path on which many entrenched, Establishment Republicans have been on for the last two decades.
Post-Election for #NeverTrump Supporters, Feel the Hate
The NRA will not get the credit deserved in the Trump win, & the #nevertrumps sold us out. The #nevertrump crowd just didn’t care & now we shouldn’t care for them..
President-Elect Donald J. Trump: A Path to Freedom
To the SNOWFLAKES out there, at the Presidential level, we don’t have one person, one vote … It’s not a Democracy, it’s a Democratic Republic.
Battleground NC Wins Big With 2016 Election Results
Battleground NC won big. That said, I am not writing to declare victory, but instead to thank you for making that victory possible.
California Passed Prop. 64, Remove Prior Convictions, Restore Rights
On November 8, 2016 California voters passed Proposition 64 (Prop. 64) and thereby legalized the recreational use of marijuana.
Congratulations, President-Elect Trump — Thanks, #GUNVOTE Supporters
The American people have elected a president who will protect our Constitutional rights and a Congress to ensure the right to keep and bear arms.
The Angel Raguel and the Champion
Leading an army from the land of the badgers he sought out the evil one who rides on the back of a equus asinus dragon.
MCRGO 2016 Election Results Analysis
Pro-gun voters turned out in record numbers last Tuesday, both nationally and in Michigan, with the following results of the 2016 Presidential Election.
New Hampshire: Final Comments on Ayotte’s Defeat
We have been hearing from a few gun owners who were confused by the grade we gave to anti-gun, soon to be former US Senator Kelly Ayotte, I have decided to send everyone an email explanation.
Victory November 2016, Now Let’s Quash the Crybabies :
Optimism is everywhere…except of course for the sore losers that voted for a corrupt selfish criminal & are now rioting across America.
I’m Wyatt Earp And Progressivism Ends Now
What did Americans actually say?” Simply put, we said #%@& you to the ruling elites of both parties…
Thank You For Your Historic Vote
Up against the most significant threat to our rights ever confronted, NRA led an unprecedented effort to support our pro-gun allies and defeat the enemies of freedom.
A Historic Election Night for the Second Amendment
Gun control was on the ballot this election season, & it suffered a resounding loss. A strong Second Amendment firewall remains intact throughout the country.
NRA Congratulates President-Elect Donald J. Trump
The executive director of the NRA-ILA, Chris W. Cox, released the following statement on President-elect Donald J. Trump’s victory…