Hidden camera video shows that McCaskill and her staff have misled Missourians on her support for severe gun controls and impeaching President Donald Trump.
Democrat Sen. Claire McCaskill Caught Lying to Missouri Voters on Guns ~ VIDEO

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Hidden camera video shows that McCaskill and her staff have misled Missourians on her support for severe gun controls and impeaching President Donald Trump.
What you may not know is that open-border supporter, Keith Ellison, has a horrific record on the Second Amendment. He has been hostile down the line against the 2a, and hunters as well sportsman…
Several Oregon counties have referenda on the ballot to re-enforce protections for Second Amendment rights. In 2018 ten counties have Second Amendment protection referenda on the ballot.
I cannot believe I am a proud American once immigrant and I am seeing sincere, unapologetic Marxists (masquerading as “Democrats”) running for political office, with a straight face.
In an exercise of extreme irony, a candidate, Anita Earls, for North Carolina’s highest court appears to be knowingly violating state campaign laws.
The effect will be to blow a hole in the economy and drop economic growth back to anemic Obama era numbers. That is the Democrats plan.
Today the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association released their candidate scorecard for the 2018 New York state midterm election.
It’s essential that Americans across the country get out to the polls to vote pro-gun; GOA’s Congressional Scorecard makes it easy to see which candidates respect the Second Amendment.
The “Blue Wave” of opposition to President Trump looked unstoppable late last year and was expected to sweep Republicans out of power in Congress in November. But now gun voters can make a difference.
Leftist billionaires like former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg are spending millions of dollars to mislead voters and attack candidates who support the Constitution
The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) today endorsed Sen. Roger Wicker for reelection to the U.S. Senate.
NC House Representative Larry Pittman (District 82, GRNC 4 Star), has been the most reliable, hard-fighting ally that gun owners have in the North Carolina General Assembly.
Marsha Blackburn represents the type of candidate that every Second Amendment support should have no problem voting for. Blackburn has been a reliable ally of those who defend our Second Amendment.
What is most disturbing was watching amoral, dishonorable, hypocritical, and disgustingly sleazy Democrats, whose collective closets cannot begin to contain their own skeletons.
Elections have consequences. And next month’s election for America will prove to have a dramatic impact on legal gun owners. Will, you turn out or just let mob rule become the norm? Vote November 2018
Claire McCaskill is a threat to our constitutional freedoms. She earned her ‘F’ rating when she abandoned Missouri values to curry favor with liberal anti-gun elites in Washington, DC. Support Josh Ha
Andrew Gillum chose to defend the bumblers of Broward County instead of law-abiding citizens who exercise their Second Amendment rights.
On behalf of our nearly six million members across the country, the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) today endorsed Kris Kobach for governor of Kansas.
Socialists Democrats bring only squalor, squalid helplessness, high levels of violent crime (as in Chicago), suffocation of individual freedom, high penalties for opposing them…
Looks like our Second Amendment Rights were sold for a large contribution from anti-gun former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
A local Califonia chamber of commerce was setting up a “meet the candidates” event, only there was one problem. They were not inviting any of the conservatives GOP candidates to the presentation.
Republicans keep following a non-strategy of just reacting to the latest media attacks instead of holding Democrats accountable by forcing votes on expanding your gun rights.
Contrary to what Jon Tester says in Montana, he has supported the gun control agenda of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer by voting in favor of gun control in Washington, D.C…
Make no mistake, Joe Manchin cannot be trusted to vote with President Trump on our fundamental right to self-defense,…
Open Carry Texas is pleased to announce its endorsement of Attorney General Ken Paxton for re-election as AG based upon his unwavering support of Texans’ right to keep and bear arms.
The Democrats are emphasizing gun control in the 2018 midterms. They have attempted a re-brand, and call it “gun safety” legislation.
The Montana Shooting Sports Association could not identify any Democrat candidates with an acceptable voting record or an adequate returned candidate questionnaire to meet its endorsement criteria.
Kathleen Williams at a public event said she would favor treating what she called “high capacity magazines”, really normal gun mags, like “sawed-off shotguns.”
The concession and endorsement of Secretary Kobach was an honorable move by Governor Colyer, and the Kansas State Rifle Association respects him for it.
For weeks now, Wyoming Gun Owners has been informing our members and other gun owners in House District 58 about Rep. Patrick Sweeney’s horrible record on the Second Amendment.