In in 2024, Democrats’ “military wing,” ANTIFA/BLM, will give rise to destructive riots once more. Other “manufactured distractions” may include…
Left Will Do Anything To Prevent DJT From Being Re-Elected

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
In in 2024, Democrats’ “military wing,” ANTIFA/BLM, will give rise to destructive riots once more. Other “manufactured distractions” may include…
Harris struggled to provide concrete answers on how to address the widespread problem of handgun violence in the U.S. Despite being pressed on the fact that handguns are responsible for 59% of murders nationwide…
While the eyes of Washington State voters are focused on the race for governor between Democrat Bob Ferguson and Republican Dave Reichert, there is another critical political race—for Ferguson’s AG replacement.
Harris and her handlers want to rewrite history itself to deny the positions she took, on threats to confiscate guns.
Data reveals more than 22.3 million Americans became first-time gun owners since the last presidential election in 2020, roughly the population of the state of Florida.
Long story short, Vance as a U.S. Senator already makes anti-gunners grimace. As vice president, he just might drive them crazy.
President Donald Trump survives assassination attempt at Pennsylvania rally. Get the latest details on this incident.
This endorsement is a recognition of President Trump’s unwavering support of the Second Amendment and his dedication to protecting the constitutional right of Americans to defend themselves…
“We have to have a Second Amendment that is meaningful,” said the former president. “Gun owners must vote. We want a landslide. So, I think you’re a rebellious bunch, but let’s be rebellious and vote this time.”
Trump will hang it around his neck like an albatross every chance he gets. With six months left until Election Day, he’ll have plenty of chances.
These are the candidates of the people and NOT the candidates of the corporate lobbyists who buy elections to maintain the status quo and their grip on legislation.
Few things in this world upset me more than witnessing unworthy scum-bags vandalizing our nation’s National monuments, particularly our War Memorials!
The government operates solely at the pleasure of the common man, who remains sole sovereign over the government and enforces his sovereignty, if necessary, through the arms he bears. That is self-evident, true.
Oh, you didn’t hear? The SCOTUS decision was a profoundly divided “danger to democracy” by an overreaching, partisan Court.
I continue to believe that a healthy distrust of government is essential for all of us privileged to live in a free state!
Colorado will have strong conservative representation in the U.S. House to help President Donald J. Trump enact an America First agenda in 2025,
Somehow the time for presenting the ‘secret’ 2020 stolen election proof has yet to arrive? What could be the delay?
The radical Democrats, seeing their hold on power disintegrating, have decided that when they can’t hold onto political power, they’ll just burn down what is left.