The Tea Party Express is excited to announce the debut of “On The Campaign Trail with Tea Party Express,” a weekly podcast that features interviews with House and Senate candidates as well as Tea Party leaders…
You know most progressives don’t want their children to have progressive values. Look at President Obama for goodness sakes, he appears to be raising his daughters with some pretty solid traditional values…
Many of our members and supporters are trying to decide what to do about the New Jersey primaries. Ask yourself ‘Has my current representative supported my values and stood up for my rights’…
The Nebraska Firearms Owners Association, Political Action Fund has conducted a survey of the mayoral candidates & city council candidates in the city of Omaha for the General Election in 2013…
The real battle in New Jersey’s District 33 is the Democrat Primary as this district, like many others, have been gerrymandered to preclude the possibility of a Republican winning in the general election…
Gun Owners of America is proud to endorse Congressman Paul Broun for U.S. Senate. Rep. Broun has been one of our most vocal leaders protecting the Second Amendment during his time in Congress…
The broadcast media and certain other First Amendment industrial-strength institutions now rely on huge political-system contributions to keep their books in the black.
Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund is pleased to announce the endorsement of Jackie Walorski for Congress in Indiana’s Second District….
I want to thank the GMU Students for Concealed Carry on Campus and Mason Liberty for sponsoring the event. The antis had no sponsors…
And now a question for Governor Perry – Half-Cocked
Unfortunately the two candidates who had promised to force votes on Castle Doctrine and Constitutional Carry lost yesterday…
Whoever is elected president will have a tremendous impact on your right to keep and bear arms, perhaps even more than usual….
Two Presidential Candidates, Congressman Ron Paul and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann have returned the National Association for Gun Rights Presidential Survey 100% pro-gun…
If you are a qualified voter for NRA Board Members please consider voting for Steve Schreiner, of Englewood Colorado, to be on the NRA Board of Directors…
My name is LINDA WALKER and I need your vote for the NRA Board of Directors. When you receive the ballot, either in the mail or in your NRA publication, please cast your vote for me…
John L. Cushman of Patchogue, New York, has announced his candidacy for another term on the Board of Directors of the National Rifle Association…
Will Greg Habeeb sell out gun owners just like the NRA managers have sold us out?
There is no greater insult to gun owners than to refuse to put your views in writing…
Gun Owners of America endorsement for Steve Daines for United States Senate to defeat John Tester in 2012… sees gun rights as a non-partisan issue & applauds NRA endorsements of many Democrats…
While most of the country is trending towards liberty, Oregon has re-elected pro-bailout, pro-health control, anti-gun Ron Wyden to the US Senate and the failed ex-governor one more time…
Arizona was the first state with large urban populations to restore the right of law-abiding adults to carry weapons, openly or discreetly, without first seeking written permission from the government…
Pro-gun candidates that IGO ran our election program for picked up 14 additional seats in the Iowa House…
This is important because MSSA will have the most extensive legislative agenda next session that we’ve ever tackled….
Cam Edwards talks to Dave Kopel from the Independence Institute on the results of the recent Midterm Elections…
In Illinois races, the majority of ISRA-PVF endorsed and preferred pro gun candidates were victorious in their respective races…
While gun owners may have a differing view on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, he is undoubtedly a better choice for that position than Senator Chuck Schumer…
Remember to vote your gun-rights first. Drive your neighbors, friends, and family to the polls if that’s what it takes to get them there…
It’s time to send a message to the anti-gun crowd that you will not forget their betrayal and their votes cast that interfere with your 2nd Amendment rights…
Remember, our firearms freedom is always only one election away from extinction…