AmmoLand News recently reviewed the Mossberg 590 Shockwave Firearm which lead to many questions if it was legal in states like New Jersey?
Is the Mossberg 590 Shockwave Legal in New Jersey?

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
AmmoLand News recently reviewed the Mossberg 590 Shockwave Firearm which lead to many questions if it was legal in states like New Jersey?
Denial of one’s constitutional rights should not be a cash-cow for the State and something that can be arbitrarily increased to discourage people from exercising the right to keep and bear arms.
In a legal brief dated November 7, 2016, the Office of the Attorney General concedes that New Jersey’s Stun Gun Ban is unconstitutional…
The NJ Second Amendment & Firearms Education Conference is an educational forum & gathering place for the community of Second Amendment advocates in the state of New Jersey.
New Jersey has a lot of what the gun-grabbers call “common sense gun safety laws” and guys like me call “citizen disarmament edicts.”
She is currently facing 10 years in State Prison with a minimum mandatory of 3.5 to 5 years with no chance of parole…
The “suitable person” law in 1923 gave in to the Ku Klux Klan’s political agenda. It is long overdue for New Hampshire to get rid of this disgrace…
The New Jersey Appellate Division has confirmed that New Jersey municipalities may NOT require added forms for firearm permit applications beyond the state forms…
Congress passed, and President Obama signed into law on October 28 2009, specific language protecting one-hand opening and spring-assisted knives from being included as switchblade…
72-year old retired teacher and military academy graduate Gordon Van Gilder was stopped by a Cumberland County sheriff’s deputy for a minor traffic violation…
In reply to the decision, Attorney Nappen commented, “Basically, Due Process demands the right to confront those who restrain your constitutional right & statutory privilege to purchase firearms”…
I promise you that among NRA’s top initiatives for the new U.S. Senate and U.S. House will be enacting national law to prevent injustice suffered by Shaneen Allen and other victims in New Jersey…
Ms. Allen joins such pivotal & largely unsung civil rights heroes as Otis McDonald & Mary Shepard, whose personal struggles achieved greater recognition of the Second Amendment for fellow citizens…
The directive issued by Acting Attorney General John J. Hoffman noted that in most cases, imprisonment is neither necessary not appropriate to serve the interests of justice and protect public safety.
New Jersey Republican Assemblyman Dancer has just filed “Shaneen’s Law” which gives Judges full discretion to avoid mandatory jail time…
Any talk of Christie as a viable candidate for President is ridiculous in the face of his lack of action to protect gun owners from the meat grinder that is New Jersey’s gun laws…
New Jersey is doing its best to turn Shaneen Allen into a convicted felon facing a State Prison term of a minimum-mandatory 3-5 years with no chance of parole, because she has a handgun…
After United States Supreme Court upheld New Jersey’s notorious carry license system and the “justifiable need” standard in the Federal Courts), the New Jersey Supreme Court did an about-face on a pen
These Decisions, Said Nappen, Put Police Departments And Judges On Notice That Breaches Of Due Process And Wrongful Denials Based Upon Superfluous Demands Will Not Stand…
Obviously this situation has raised significant concerns and alarms for the over 1 million Citizens of NJ who own firearms and could easily find themselves in a similar situation
Without a permit to possess, the only way to legally possess a handgun in one’s home in New Jersey, is by exemption. Individuals, who rely on exemptions, are perpetually at risk of arrest & prosecution …
In the center of his living room, he saw a man dressed entirely in dark clothing who had his back towards him. He cracked open his door slightly further and saw near the entrance to his apartment a police officer…
At least 1000 people submitted passport photos with their Firearm Applications before Jeremy Perez stood up and said “Not Me!” to the Paterson NJ Police Department…
The famous gun law book is now over 500 pages long. It is go to resource for gun owners who want to understand NJ gun law, know their rights and stay out of jail…
A clerk named Shannon Cothran used a firearm to save his life while working at the Shell gas station on Main Street in Nashua. His reward, he was fired by his anti gun employer Nouria Energy Corporation…
The Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs has filed suit against the NH Department of Safety over an illegal rule reversal that prevents Garden-State residents getting non-resident carry licenses…
A recent New Hampshire Supreme Court decision has ruled that in order for a handgun to be considered “loaded” the handgun must either have a round in the gun’s chamber or have a loaded magazine IN the gun…
The ultimate question in this case is why should an individual be required to demonstrate a “need” in order to exercise a fundamental, constitutional, right, here in New Jersey???
Although Concealed Carry Laws are on the books in New Jersey, judges and police chiefs have almost unanimously declined concealed carry permits to everyone but, other police, judges, politicians…
Cam Edwards talks to Evan Nappen, attorney for Shawn Moore on the shake down and night time raid by New Jersey’s Department of Children and Families, wanting his guns…