Even with Bloomberg’s billions to influence voters Everytown must portray itself as the defender of rights & policy issues that have absolutely nothing to do with gun control.
True Colors: Chameleon Kamala & Her Pathetic Gun Control Allies

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Even with Bloomberg’s billions to influence voters Everytown must portray itself as the defender of rights & policy issues that have absolutely nothing to do with gun control.
Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown group will reportedly spend $45 million to help elect anti-gunners, including Kamala Harris, in November.
There’s a lot of hysterical, breathless news reporting noise about police departments reselling their used duty weapons, but there is a clear pattern of sensationalism and selective reporting.
Children unintentionally shot and killed more than 157 people last year and wounded more than 270, or so Everytown for Gun Safety would have you believe.
In a blatant display of its true intentions, Everytown has now stepped out from behind the scenes and onto center stage, defending unconstitutional laws…
Following the tragic events of a 2018 shooting in Santa Fe, Texas, Everytown Law, financed by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, saw an opportunity to launch such an attack on Lucky Gunner.
So why don’t we gun owners publicly ask the CBC and BLM why they’re standing down for this shabby treatment of one of their own, and dare them to do something about it?
Second Amendment supporters should be aware of a dangerous threat to our rights.
The Senate of 2022 is tied, with 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans, which presents Republicans with an interesting procedural option: denying a quorum in the Senate Judiciary Committee…
So, they’re admitting an armed citizenry is “necessary to the security of a free State”?
It’s curious how those who can’t – or won’t – control themselves are so bent on controlling the rest of us…
Trust him. It’s not like “moderate” Republicans unwilling to take an unequivocal stance have ever betrayed gun owners before, right?
In a major defeat for Joe Biden and the gun prohibition lobby, the White House will withdraw the nomination of avowed gun control advocate David Chipman to head the ATF.
If Durbin and the Democrats thought they had the votes to confirm Chipman, it would have already happened.
It’s clear the object here is to fragment the firearms industry, destroying some companies while hobbling others through law.
And guess who gets to determine what constitutes “hate,” and who qualifies as a “prohibited person.”
Everytown for Gun Safety seems happy that 300,000 people were denied their 2nd Amendment rights, but once again their numbers are far from accurate.
Watts’ tweet introduces another chilling motivation, “replacement theory.”
“Today the House Committee on Health Care heard HB2510, a bill to hold gun owners liable for the violent crimes of thieves,” OFF alerted members Thursday.
Of course, that is the real goal, and it’s been stated time and again over decades, along with the outlined strategy of pushing the infringements through in increments until they get to total bans.
Apparently, the Inquirer’s press release writer … sorry, reporter … couldn’t find an organization that actually trains gun owners (and trainers and police) in use and safety…
As such, her nomination was applauded by the three major national gun owner rights groups.
Note that none of them teach actual gun safety, they just deliberately conflate the word with what they really mean: Prohibition.
Such deliberate mob-inciting rhetoric from Democrat politicians like Cuomo needs to be seen for what it is: Political extortion to chill public support for Republicans.
The government has no money that does not come from the private sector.
What’s clear from their own rhetoric is that the ones applying the double standard are those who demand a monopoly of violence. It’s not what the anti-gunners say, but what they don’t say.
Self-defense, the manipulators originating such memes would have us believe, is an act of privileged racism.
Those who hold religion in contempt have always been more than happy to exploit religious useful idiots if it advances their agenda.
The other thing that’s way past due is for gun groups to recognize the single greatest threat to continued legal recognition of the right to keep and bear arms and so inform their members.
Gannett Publications is not interested in gun safety and employs no one qualified to offer lessons if it was.