What we’re seeing here from the Big Three gun-grab groups are signs of worry.
Gun-Grabber Desperation Showing as More Americans Buy Firearms

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
What we’re seeing here from the Big Three gun-grab groups are signs of worry.
The memorandum urges governors and mayors to ignore Homeland Security and our nation’s President and to be confident about banning gun sales.
Anybody see anything in there about information being turned over to a third party for political campaign purposes?
Genuine common sense comes through loud and clear in Shean’s book…
The object here is to take Watts’ advice and “Fight Like a Mother,” and since when has reality mattered to them?
The useful young idiot du jour is just being used to manipulate the emotions of low-information voters…
Much of the attack on the NRA is trying to conflate the NRA 501(c)(4) status as a non-profit with some sort of generic claim that non-profits should not be involved in politics.
The only way to stop Republican infidelity is to show the GOP that betrayal will not be rewarded.
What “common sense gun legislation” would prevent that, especially since multiple laws were already violated?
Chances are her father having been an underworld killer with multiple hits under his belt had an influence.
So it’s not surprising that there were other ATF careerists who viewed him as a self-serving opportunist (at best).
They’re not who they pretend to be when they’re repeating lines written by others as directed by someone else…
But Wrangler? That will surprise readers who made very positive comments about them…
Serial compromises and betrayals that demotivate a growing number constituents ought to be what really scares Republicans.
Basically, none of these people — or those whose interests they serve — want your right to keep and bear arms to be recognized by the courts…
In other words, Levi Strauss intends to enable further Hogglike behavior…
…nothing they demand will have the slightest impact on the violence that their own policies and edicts make inevitable.
…where is the consolidated itinerary of cities, locations, dates and times, and is withholding that information intentional?
Everytown recently purchased a full-page ad in the Houston Chronicle and used that premium ad space to publish an open letter to Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed by 41 student gun-control activists.
Concessions on these measures by the NRA, which in turn gives the green light to Republicans, is nothing short of preemptive surrender.
Once again we see billionaire Michael Bloomberg performing as the Great Oz behind the curtain and using children for his sick anti-American causes
A “compiled for law enforcement purposes” deferment hardly seems necessary or reasonable with the killer dead, and suggests some other motive for not releasing requested documents.
Despite ridiculing confiscation fears, she saw government seize guns from her ex (without full due process), and even that wasn’t enough.
The fact is, you can’t be a Constitutionalist and be either a Nazi or a fascist.
The feigned outrage doesn’t seem to extend to the fist representing One Pulse for America.
The elites who can afford armed security details aren’t affected by edicts imposed on commoners.
So it’s not so much an “advocacy group” issuing organizational advisories as it is individual sellout “artists” assuming a role of masked propagandists in their “art.”
The one inescapable fact is Virginia Tech was a “gun-free” campus.
It is undeniably ironic. It’s also, some could argue, indicative of the types of people swayed by celebrities…
Instead, legislate to ensure revenge-motivated accusations über alles, and your rights be damned…?