Expect Bloomberg to renew his efforts against the states using a formula he knows he can get to work.
State Ballot Measures Temper Trump Victory for Gun Owners

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Expect Bloomberg to renew his efforts against the states using a formula he knows he can get to work.
Proponents of Maine’s Question 3, regulating every firearm sale and “transfer” (a change in possession, without a sale or change in ownership) have released a television ad urging voters…..
Sheriff: “I cautioned them that they were a target, and I told them to be armed.”
Gunsplainers … even if the wealthy 73-year-old male paternalist hides his opinions behind an elaborate team of public relations professionals, isn’t it still mansplaining?
They’re all dominated by Democrats. They all champion “progressive” policies. And every single one of them has been an enthusiastic member of Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns.
The truth is, anti-gun fanatics would rather see the New Hampshire grandmother – and all of us – dead than armed.
[S]upporters will gather all across the country to participate in Orange Walks to honor all of the lives lost to gun violence in America…
Virginia shows us the Bloomberg money machine can sputter and seize up. It also shows us Republicans need to decide who their friends are.