The Pittman-Robertson excise taxes contributed by firearm and ammunition manufacturers on the products they produce and is supported by the customers that support their contracts
Beginning in August 2017, we are offering one-hour webinars every month on the Gun Control Act, National Firearms Act, and firearms and ammunition excise tax.
It has come to our attention that a number of manufacturers & importers of guns & ammo are unaware of excise tax liability imposed on their business use of firearms & ammunition.
Cook County Board of Commissioners has proposed Ordinance 15-6469, a proposal to impose a tax on ammunition, similar to proposals reported on in the past.
The Treasury Department’s Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau issued an announcement, available online here, that outlines the qualifications for such waivers and provides contact information…
When it comes to federal gun control, the failure to overcome a filibuster in the Senate earlier this year hurt the gun control’s momentum, at least until the next election cycle…
Excise taxes already collected on sporting equipment and ammunition would be used, so the measure is deficit neutral. NSSF and many hunting and shooting organizations support the bill…
The measure would give states the flexibility to spend their already-allotted Pittman-Robertson funds to create or improve public shooting ranges.
The Department of the Treasury indicates that firearm and ammunition manufacturers reported tax liabilities of $110.1 million…
Firearm and ammunition manufacturers were unfairly mandated to pay their excise taxes biweekly while all other manufacturers paid their taxes quarterly. This was an undue burden on the industry…
This legislation corrects a inequity in the Internal Revenue Code by permitting firearm and ammunition manufacturers to pay the federal excise tax on a quarterly basis, just as other industries…
Firearm and ammunition manufacturers paid $101.7 million in excise taxes in the first calendar quarter of 2010, down 7.38 percent over the same time period reported in 2009…
The United States House of Representative today passed a major piece of pro-sportsmen legislation to help firearm and ammunition manufacturers to grow business and help strengthen wildlife conservation funding…
This legislation corrects a longstanding inequity in the Internal Revenue Code by permitting firearm and ammunition manufacturers to pay the federal excise tax payment on a quarterly basis…
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote Tuesday on legislation called the Firearms Excise Tax Improvement Act of 2010.
Licensed Firearms Manufacturers Must File Annual Manufacturing & Exportaion Report by April 1, 2010
Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax Collection Up 29%
USA Buys an Estimated $1.14 Billion Dollars Worth of Firearms in Last 3 Months
1,000,000+ Guns Added to American Homes in August
Close to a Million Guns Bought By Honest Americans In July 2009
Firearms and Ammunition Excise Taxes Up 31 Percent in 4th Quarter