In a recent article in Spectrum1, the wording from a letter to the NEJM changes firearm involved into firearm caused. It is a significant difference.
Gun Deaths & Misleading Words: Spectrum Article vs Letter to the NEJM

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
In a recent article in Spectrum1, the wording from a letter to the NEJM changes firearm involved into firearm caused. It is a significant difference.
The Biden administration, through the ATF, promotes a new definition of firearm, and increases its power over citizens making private firearms.
Phoenix Weaponry of Longmont Colorado is pleased to announce the launch of their .45-70 auto rifle platform. That’s right, .45-70!
After two weeks, a lot of airguns, imitations firearms, replicas and antiques have been turned in. A couple of AK47s made headlines.
The court released a new decision, which held that “the Second Amendment does not independently protect a proprietor’s right to sell firearms.”
As shown in the image above, many countries with extreme gun control have higher suicide rates than the United States.
This fake news report keeps on circulating. It is time to debunk the ignorant and misleading story. This “article” appears to have been published by CBS.
When surveying various articles about firearms and firearms ownership in Australia, I have read that the numbers cannot be known.
The 270 million number is over a decade old and rather low. The best current number is there are over 400 million private firearms in the United States.
The California State Senate Appropriations Committee will hear AB 736, which the FPC believes will drive gun stores out of business.
Faxon Firearms, incessant innovators in the firearms industry, is pleased to announce the release of Faxon’s latest series of barrels – the Match Series.
Kahr Firearms Group is proud to announce that they are Silver Level Sponsors on the 2017 NRA World Shooting Championship.
Brownells, known for its incredible selection of firearms and firearm accessories, proudly announced today it has become the internet’s largest tactical falconry dealer.
However, there are a few important things that have come up that I need to tell you. It’s somewhat long but you’re going to want to read this.
Brian Dobson, owner of Metroflex Gym in Arlington, has organized a series of NPC sanctioned competitions featuring expansive expos in Texas.
Of all U.S. firearms-related deaths in 2015, almost two-thirds were suicide deaths, according to the 2015 Fatal Injury Report, CDC.
Last year, Honor Defense introduced firearms that were quickly recognized as the most innovative and high quality single stack 9mm in the firearm industry.
The Obama Administration’s record on firearms is curiously mixed. On the one hand, the President deserves an award – which he is unlikely to receive or want – as America’s greatest gun salesman.
Bringing a gun into an airport checkpoint is a really big mistake, but as more people carry more frequently, such mistakes are bound to happen.
Nationwide sales for firearms in December 2016 are forecast to come in at 2.36 million units.
In the spring of 2016 the team at Clark Armory had the idea to build an AR-15 and fit it with custom wood furniture.
For nearly a decade, firearm sales have been driven in part by a fear of increased restrictions on firearm sales and ownership.
Growing your business depends on knowing who favors your products, who favors your competition and why.
October is another record month for the NICS. There have been 22,206,233 checks done so far this year. 2016 numbers are 26% ahead of the previous record.
Mounting Solutions Plus, has expanded their line of holsters with the addition of the Armordillo Concealment X-FER V2 Holster.
Now Colt is offering yet another option for enthusiasts looking for that robust and well-fielded platform – the Colt Combat Unit carbine, featuring Colt’s new mid-length gas system.
Cabot Guns, America’s premiere maker of high-quality handguns, announced today that it is releasing a South Paw S-100 Edition, fully inverted stainless steel pistol designed for left-handed shooters.
The NRA Foundation is auctioning off firearms this summer to raise money in support of the shooting sports. There will be three auctions throughout the summer taking place on…
Being able to safely and effectively use your AR-15 is the most important precursor to enjoying it, whether for hunting, target shooting, or competition.
American Built Arms Company is pleased to announce its launch of the Howa Precision Rifle with major industry distributor, United Sporting Companies.