JAMA Pediatrics study shows, training children in proper gun safety and responsible use can facilitate the safe staging of defensive weapons for the protection of families and homes.
Hunting is a time-honored tradition for many Americans & it’s important that safety remains at the core of that tradition…
If you’re shooting with a child don’t take shortcuts. Be safe and teach them the right way to handle firearms. That way a educated child is a safer child.
Toys, Tools, Guns & Rules: A Children’s Book About Gun Safety hits online stores.
A new poll conducted by NPR/Ipsos, a majority of Americans favor tightening restrictions on firearms, including a ban on “assault-style weapons”…
The Markey/Gallego gun ban proposal is nothing short of an outright attack on the right of parents to decide when & how to introduce their children to guns…
Knowing how to rack a pistol slide is a very important, mandatory function for operating a semi-automatic pistol & can be done by anyone that follows a few simple techniques…
Sheltering children from depictions of guns did nothing to protect them from their innate curiosity about the world, including firearms.
Experienced rifle instructors who would like to receive advanced training are strongly encouraged to become a Civilian Marksmanship Program Master Instructors…
George Mason University students can take advantage of a competitive shooting class…
The anti-gun haters went on to make false claims about the quality of the Project ChildSafe program’s cable-style gun locks…
After more than a century, the Model 1911 semi automatic pistol, designed by John Moses Browning, still remains one of the most popular and most highly respected handguns in the world.
Sonoran Desert Institute (SDI), an industry leader in providing accredited and accelerated distance learning, is pleased to announce it is again accepting Tuition Assistance (TA) for students who…
Sonoran Desert Institute (SDI), an industry leader in providing accredited and accelerated distance learning, will feature YouTube shooting sensation Hickok45 in this month’s free webinar.
Sonoran Desert Institute (SDI), an industry leader in providing accredited and accelerated distance learning, is pleased to announce the hiring of Erik Shaw as a new full-time instructor in its…..
Sonoran Desert Institute (SDI) is proud to announce that a complete AR-15 rifle build is now available in the popular 300 AAC Blackout, 7.62 x 35mm, caliber as part of its AR-15 Advanced Armorer…..
Crimson Trace, the industry leader in elevating laser sighting systems to standard equipment on concealed carry and personal defense firearms, now offers gun owners several avenues to education for…
Remington Outdoor Company and Orchid Advisors, the only management consultancy dedicated to the firearms industry, announce a national firearms manufacturing compliance education program.
To the empty-gun crowd, “hot” ranges are unthinkable. Thus, real training never happens. None even carry a gun on a regular bases, and they or-so piously eschew those of us who do…
At a meeting of one of the major gun rights hating groups in the Philadelphia area the speaker debunked one of the biggest lies that gun rights haters put out…
The forums will cover a range of topics, from political activism at the NRA University workshop, to the “Carrying Concealed from a Holster” forum with NRA Certified Instructor Wayne Blank…
All gun-owners need to attend a competent and serious defensive shooting course, so they can learn, hands-on, from accomplished instructors how to handle guns safely and proficiently…
Top Shot Champion Chris Cheng demonstrates for beginners how to properly load a magazine in his month’s addition to “Handgun 101 with Top Shot Champion Chris Cheng”…
Brownells has released a three-part video series showing how to properly choose an AR-15 barrel based on the three criteria: caliber, twist rate and gas system length…
We still don’t see eye-to-eye on all issues, but there’s no reason to create an enemy where none existed before…
We have the common-sense gun laws people scream about already on the books. Even pro-rights voices don’t know what rules they have, Gun Laws of America changes all that…
Your First Gun speaks to the gunless in terms they can understand, in ways that may be new to you…
Reagan National Airport serving Washington, D.C. has said NO to advertising promoting Gun Safety…
Rifle, pistol and shotshell reloading basics are shown in an easy to understand step-by-step video formats…
Forty-five high school students from all over the United States have arrived in Washington, D.C. for this week’s 2014 NRA Youth Education Summit…