No matter how good, or how far you believe your skills have progressed, you will ALWAYS derive benefit from having a training audit performed.
I Don’t Need a Firearms Training Audit… Do I?

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
No matter how good, or how far you believe your skills have progressed, you will ALWAYS derive benefit from having a training audit performed.
The Firearm Trainers Association is an organization founded by 5 of the most well respected and distinguished professional firearms trainers in the world.
California Department of Justice allegedly discovered the breach on October 27, well over two months ago, but is just now notifying individuals..
Panteao Productions is happy to announce an addition to the Panteao instructor lineup. Panteao will be introducing new videos with instructor Tony Blauer, founder and CEO of Blauer Tactical Systems.
We met up with John Farnam on the road and got him talking about what makes DTI instruction so successful, and why it’s sometimes controversial
Panteao Productions is happy to announce an addition to the Panteao instructor lineup. Panteao will be introducing new videos with instructor Robert Keller starting with “Make Ready with Robert…..
On Tuesday, Pat Rogers, a true legend in the firearm community, passed away from natural causes…
Panteao is pleased to announce an addition to the Panteao instructor lineup.
Sonoran Desert Institute (SDI), an industry leader in providing accredited and accelerated on-line learning, is proud to announce the addition of renowned firearm instructor Jennifer Blake to…..
The National Rifle Association is honored to award Deputy Milton R. Williams of the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office in Oakland County, Michigan, the 2015 NRA Law Enforcement Firearm Instructor…..
The National Rifle Association is excited to announce the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Course is now available online. Enroll today at
We added a million new gun owners last month. This is how gun owners can step up and welcome them to the gun culture. Congratulations, you are now an ambassador…
The NRA is far more than Wayne LaPierre appearing on Face The Nation, or the magazine you get once a month. The NRA does more to support law enforcement & safety training than anyone in America…
Sonoran Desert Institute (SDI), an industry leader in providing accredited and accelerated distance learning, is pleased to announce the hiring of Erik Shaw as a new full-time instructor in its…..
Good firearms instruction is better and closer than ever. The tools of instruction have gotten cheaper and the learning experience has gotten richer for the student. There is a down side…
Panteao is happy to announce the upcoming instructional videos with Pat McNamara.
Check out these 5 tips to help prevent your Shooting Stance and torso from moving when quickly firing a sequence of shots. Originally appeared on the Springfield Armory Blog…
Current gun training didn’t seem to address the unique journey women are on toward self-protector and the needs this creates…
Crimson Trace announces that the new “Training with Laser Sights,” video is now available to National Rifle Association firearms instructors through the NRA Instructor website.
There continues to be a significant lack of female shooting coaches across all shooting sports disciplines…
Soldiers from the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit recently spent a week sharing their expert marksmanship skills with the nation’s future leaders and competitive shooters…
The guide is a comprehensive resource on responsible pistol use and is the foundation of NRA’s popular Basic Pistol and FIRST Steps Pistol Orientation courses…
The program is designed for current firearms instructors who want to augment and grow their training practice via combative firearms training courses, programs and merchandise…
Through the first three quarters of 2013, the National Rifle Association’s Program Materials Center has processed a record 46,000 transactions, selling 850,000 units of training materials…
Maryland Shall Issue, sent me information about an opportunity for Virginia firearms instructors to train Maryland gun owners, a requirement for all Maryland gun owners under a new law…
The new Firearm Concealed Carry Act calls for the Illinois State Police to begin listing a registry of certified concealed carry instructors…
Now in effect, this legislation exempts NRA instructors from absolute liability for injury or damage caused by their firearms during the course of providing firearms training.
Being a firearms instructor is fluid, meaning things are always changing and we are continually modifying our techniques to achieve faster more accurate results.
Over the last couple of years, there have been several individuals who have shot themselves while reholstering their handguns…
According to Ector, the time has arrived for city of Detroit to break ties with the racist roots of gun control…