The Annual National Firearms Law Seminar will be held on Friday, May 20, 2016 as part of the NRA Annual Meetings.
Attend Firearms Law Seminar in Louisville, KY

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
The Annual National Firearms Law Seminar will be held on Friday, May 20, 2016 as part of the NRA Annual Meetings.
On September 30, the Delaware Association of Second Amendment Lawyers (DASAL) will be holding a firearms law seminar from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Doubletree Hotel in Wilmington, DE.
Firearms Policy Coalition and The Calguns Foundation have announced a special dinner and education event featuring noted Second Amendment historian Clayton E. Cramer, who will give his talk The…….
On March 11th, the Connecticut Judiciary Committee held a Public Hearing to discuss several bills in front of a standing room only hearing room that will impact our individual rights in Connecticut.
The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association would like to comment on a “Public Service Announcement” produced by the group States United to Prevent Gun Violence.
In recent times, firearms can easily be made in many different colors. It is a simple matter of individual choice, and should not be regulated by law
Homicides per 100,000 among New World countries where English is the dominant or official language. Firearms regulations do not correlate to homicide rates.
This important legislative package seeks to achieve much-needed reform by redefining the term “firearm” in the Michigan Code to exclude devices that propel a projectile by gas, spring or air…
The 2014 NRA-ILA Firearms Law & The Second Amendment Symposium will be held on Saturday, October 11, 2014 at The University of Baltimore…
Any concealed carry permit holder knows the laws for carrying a firearm vary from state to state. This book clears up any confusion associated with interstate travel or relocation…
The law firm of Michel & Associates, P.C., is again partnering with Shooters-Edge, Inc., to put on a continuing legal education (CLE) event for lawyers…
Federal law does not restrict individuals from transporting legally acquired firearms across state lines for lawful purposes. That said Federal & state firearms laws are subject to frequent change….
On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a case involving a Virginia man who could legally purchase a firearm and did so for an uncle from Pennsylvania…
For anyone interested in knowing about the “NYSAFE Act,” “The Arbalest Quarrel” weblog is a must have resource to book mark…
Attorney J. Scott Kappas uses case law and statutory authority to render plain English advice as to how a traveler should carry firearms while visiting the many states of our great nation…
What to Expect As the Count Down to Right to Carry Approaches, June 9, 2013…
The People v. Nguyen decision specifically holds that a person who possesses the parts that could be put together to make an illegal assault weapon, can be convicted of attempted illegal “assault weapon” manufacturing…
AB 1527 is effectively a general ban on the carrying of unloaded “firearms that are not handguns” (presumably long-guns) outside of a vehicle in most public places…
Stop feeling good about grandfather clauses! Put out the word about how they work and be prepared to recognize and fight against this political scams…
With all the overlapping regulations, its no wonder that confusion runs rampant among California gun owners, as well as police, prosecutors, & judges. To protect yourself, you need to know the law. This book will help…
Michelle Gesse, whose husband lived the nightmare of being falsely accused of a firearms related felony, explains what all Americans need to know now about the criminal justice system…
Michigan House of Representatives could vote on House Bill 5225. HB 5225 is a landmark pro-gun bill that would eliminate the state handgun “permit-to-purchase” and registration requirements.
Unfortunately, this important firearms preemption legislation was pulled from the committee agenda at the last moment.
After an assassination attempt on Congresswoman Giffords, alleged “pro-rights” state legislators revealed that they were willing to take any position on any issue for the sake of appearances and political correctness…
All Montana gun owners should be conversant with the gun laws in Montana. This book has all of those laws in one place, including updates from the important bills from the 2009 legislative session…
Focusing on recent developments in our nation’s courts regarding the Second Amendment, speakers will discuss and debate current Second Amendment scholarship and related issues…
You may only transport firearms, ammunition and firearm parts in your checked baggage…
Let these elected officials know that the people who elect them do not want the County’s attorney stepping in and prosecuting these unconstitutional laws…
Pleaded guilty to the felony offense of Illegal Sale by a Federally Licensed Firearms Dealer to an Out-of-State Resident…
King County Superior Court judge has ruled in favor of a lawsuit filed by the Second Amendment Foundation and National Rifle Association, striking down a ban on guns in city parks…