The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments in the National Association For Gun Rights (NARG) v. Garland. The case centers on the legality of Forced Reset Triggers (FRT).
Forced Reset Trigger
ATF’s Flawed Case Against FRT Triggers: Has ATF Already Lost with Their Losing Argument?
ATF is once again facing an uphill battle in court regulating Forced Reset Triggers. Despite already losing 6 times on this issue, the ATF is trying to reframe its argument—an approach that’s unlikely to hold up.
ATF Requested Stay Denied in Force Reset Trigger Case
The judge denied the ATF’s request for a stay on his ruling, which blocked the agency from enforcing its ban on force reset triggers (FRT).
ATF Loses Another Case In Texas, Ban On Forced Reset Triggers Is Unconstitutional
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) lost another case in federal Court yesterday in the Northern District of Texas Fort Worth Division.
ATF Defeated ..Again. Court Rules Forced Reset Trigger Ban Unconstitutional
We are absolutely thrilled that the court has dealt such a decisive blow… The ATF under the Biden/Harris regime has utterly trampled the Constitution and the rule of law to destroy the 2nd Amendment.
Fifth Circuit Denies ATF’s Request For Stay on the Districts Courts FRT Injunction
The Fifth Circuit has reviewed the ATF’s motion and denied the requested stay, meaning the injunction will remain in place for now, protecting the public from the ATF taking enforcement actions over Rare Breed’s FRT-15.