During this election year, unscrupulous, leftist prosecutors and other less-than-honest politicians, have “weaponized” our Criminal-Justice System in an effort to punish otherwise innocent citizens (like gun-owners) whom they venomously detest.
In OH, a mother and her three-year-old child were “random” victims of a precipitous and deadly stabbing attack…
Voters who once accepted Soros-backed soft-on-crime prosecutors “saw the light” and now are swinging the pendulum back towards accountability for those who break the law.
Is Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson, a bold face liar or just dumb AF!? Ferguson or anyone else claiming gun control laws are saving lives in Washington is a myth…
Bloomberg’s anti-gun apparatus Everytown diving into local school politics, it’s a strategy that warrants watching closely. …try to attack the Second Amendment.
Soros-backed officials do not initiate unconscionable, unconstitutional actions out of the blue. And that is no less true of New Mexico’s Governor, Grisham.
DA Mosby is facing her own legal problems. Last year she was indicted on federal charges of perjury & making a false statement on a loan applications.
The American people can, through a stout heart & a firm grip on their guns, rekindle a zest in freedom & liberty—the rallying cry against the forces of tyranny.
When Angelenos vote for Feuer for mayor, they’ll get exactly the government they enable. And exactly the results.
Kasich gives us a textbook example of a backstabbing liar who will say anything to get elected and then betray everyone who voted for him based on what he promised.
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
It’s not the first time we’ve seen gun-grabbers create what became known as “Astroturf” gun groups.
Have Yu Ning’s masters got some human rights examples for you!
Hedge fund billionaire and radical left-wing activist George Soros has infused his Open Society Foundations with a gift of $18 billion.
So it would more accurately be described as the Manipulated Leftist Women’s March. Left unstated is who is doing the manipulation and why.
Are YouTube and social media giants Facebook and Twitter discriminating against conservatives and gun owners? And if so, what can be done about it?
For all their talk about civil liberties, it really shows what potential totalitarian monsters these people are.
[This] is a lashing out at the results of the November elections…
Ghoulish “Ghost Vote” outlines lend themselves to the alternative conclusion that victims the police could not protect were forbidden by law from the means of self-defense.
“Amnesty” being foisted on America by vote-pandering Democrats and cheap labor Republicans is an issue with a special threat for gun owners and one intended to “fundamentally transform” the nation.
With just one telephone call this year, Erik Wemple of the Washington Post was able to convince Media Matters to let be, responses to their attacks, after ignoring John Lott for seven years…
Yes, I’m talking about the left-wing, America-hating billionaire George Soros who funds the leftist agenda, worldwide.
George Soros is working to ban guns in your town. Soros is working with the National League of Cities to push big-city gun control in small towns all over the country.
Media Matters Founder David Brock has been previously treated for mental illness, publicly admitted to using illegal drugs, and employed a personal aid that was illegally carrying a firearm.
Wayne LaPierre Falsely Claims ‘All’ The NRA’s Money Comes From Small Donors,” Chris Brown of Media Matters sneers in triumph.
The NRA apparently has facts here that would be helpful for all firearms owners to know; I would like to see those facts subject to public scrutiny…
At no time has George Soros ever been a part of the ownership group of Freedom Group or Cerberus, and as a privately traded corporation, there is no possibility that he will be in the future…
George Soros, attempting to gain control of the majority of the firearms and ammunition industry in the US with the ultimate result to shutting them all down…
We must never allow the ideals that make America the last, best hope for freedom in the world to be destroyed, damaged or diminished in the least…