This is another case of the greater agenda taking precedence over fraudulent promises…
Citizen Disarmament Cheerleaders Blame Guns for Sacramento Shootings
The message here: the laws are still not enough. Every state will have to follow suit. And they still won’t be enough.
Republicans RINOs Don’t Roll Over for Anti-Gunners’ Supreme Court Nominee
The Senate of 2022 is tied, with 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans, which presents Republicans with an interesting procedural option: denying a quorum in the Senate Judiciary Committee…
Citizen Disarmament Democrats Unleash Inner Totalitarians with Employer Vax Mandates
To be clear, he, and they, support Chinese communist citizen disarmament edicts and want to impose them here.
11th-Hour Arming of Ukrainians Met by Gun-Grabber Silence and About-Face by CNN
So, they’re admitting an armed citizenry is “necessary to the security of a free State”?
Prohibitionists and Police Melting Down Over Tennessee ‘Enhanced Permit’ Proposal
This bill, while far from perfect, is an incremental improvement over the way things are now in terms of expanding areas where citizens can carry…
Hypocritical Giffords ‘Only One’ Throwing Stones from Glass House
It’s hardly surprising that Chipman, a careerist with his snout in the disarmament trough, would want to point fingers at everybody else…
Gun Prohibitionists Exploiting Suicide to Advance Disarmament Agenda
These are, after all, politically-motivated, slickly produced advertisements, as much as the illusionists behind them want us to believe they are “public service announcements.”
Barrett Confirmation Means We’ll See If Gun Prohibitionists Were Right to Worry
As such, her nomination was applauded by the three major national gun owner rights groups.
‘Gun Safety Groups’ Pick Endorses Australian-Style Confiscation
Note that none of them teach actual gun safety, they just deliberately conflate the word with what they really mean: Prohibition.
Mobilized to Dance in Blood: Giffords Pushing Policy Before the Dead are Even Cleared
Did you catch all that? 17 people were murdered and another 17 injured, and what does Giffords do? They project their policy. Not even a full 24-hour news cycle later.
Giffords’ Corporate ‘Outreach’ Equivalent of BLM Mobs Forcing Diners to Raise Fists
Anybody else getting a “Nice business you have here. Shame if something happened to it” extortionist vibe?
Giffords’ Virtual ‘Tour’ Will Be Even More Staged than Bloomberg’s Real One
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and Opposite Day “progressives” are nothing if not unoriginal, continually repeating what doesn’t work.
Taxpaying Gun Owners Being Forced to Fund Brady Subversion
The government has no money that does not come from the private sector.
Media & Anti’s Painfully Silent Double Standard on Armed Black Protestors
What’s clear from their own rhetoric is that the ones applying the double standard are those who demand a monopoly of violence. It’s not what the anti-gunners say, but what they don’t say.
Bankrolled Anti-Gun Propaganda Aims to Turn Texas Blue with Boost from Demographics
The other thing that’s way past due is for gun groups to recognize the single greatest threat to continued legal recognition of the right to keep and bear arms and so inform their members.
Giffords’ and Democrat Mayors’ Plea to Congress Can Only Make Urban Violence Worse
Having Congress provide more money for that will only make everything worse. That means more people will die.
Gun-Grabber Desperation Showing as More Americans Buy Firearms
What we’re seeing here from the Big Three gun-grab groups are signs of worry.
Jeremy Renner Divorce Complaint Raises Red Flag, Restraining Order Questions
Because he, with other privileged celebrities, came out in full support of the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence/Bloomberg Mayors Against Illegal Guns agenda to “Demand a Plan.”
Giffords Flack Accusing 2A Defenders of Lying Shows Much about His Own Truthfulness
Isn’t there a saying about pointing a finger at someone and having three pointing back at yourself?
Democrat Feeding Frenzy on Guns Gives GOP Chance to Quell Self-Created Doubts
[A]ll of the Intolerable Acts being put forward would move the “long train of abuses” closer to the end of the line.
BIDS Can Prove ‘Universal Background Checks’ are Really about Registration
BIDS provides an opportunity to expose the background check frauds for the liars they are, and to prove they are really after registration.
Firearms Ownership and Domestic Homicide ‘Study’ Promotes Anti-Gun Political Goals
If you take that criminal population out of the equation, responsible citizens are quite capable of coexisting with firearms…
Latest Gun Grab Teen Just another Pawn for Older Prohibitionists
The useful young idiot du jour is just being used to manipulate the emotions of low-information voters…
Bloody Gunquack Meltdowns on Twitter Show Motives about Agenda, Not Science
It figures gunquacks who don’t know what they’re talking about would respond to the truth of that with victim-exploiting social media tantrums.
ATF Careerist Turned Giffords Spokesflack Proposes Evisceration of 2nd Amendment
So it’s not surprising that there were other ATF careerists who viewed him as a self-serving opportunist (at best).
Usual Suspects File Briefs Supporting Hawaii Open Carry Ban
Basically, none of these people — or those whose interests they serve — want your right to keep and bear arms to be recognized by the courts…
Report: ATF Order to Seize 4,000 Guns Incites Calls for More Control
We expect such overblown, gun-grab agenda-advancing hysteria from USA Today.
Planned King County Gun Confiscations Foreshadow Larger, Wider Plans
“Is there any conceivable turn of events in our politics that could make confiscation happen?” he asks. “And what would a mass seizure look like?”