After the mass murder in a nightclub in Orlando. Florida, by an ISIS-supporting, homophobic domestic terrorist, long-time anti-rights politicians are calling for rights-stripping legislation…..
Minnesota: Contact Your Federal Reps

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
After the mass murder in a nightclub in Orlando. Florida, by an ISIS-supporting, homophobic domestic terrorist, long-time anti-rights politicians are calling for rights-stripping legislation…..
Do you make good decisions when you are upset? I know don’t. When emotions are high, we make mistakes, we overreact, and we can be…irrational.
On June 4, GOCRA president Andrew Rothman and GOCRA founder Joseph E. Olson will teach a special carry class to raise funds for GOCRA’s work.
Facts will not stop the enemies of freedom from blaming YOU for this horrible crime, & calling for more restrictions on your Second Amendment rights…
The bill also lets any family member, no matter how distant, or even an ex-wife or ex-husband, accuse a family member of being too crazy to own guns. The court can immediately take your guns…
Hundreds of gun owners and Second Amendment supporters from around Minnesota will rally in front of the Minnesota State Capitol today.
Meet with key Second Amendment leaders in the Minnesota House & Senate, & have a chance to listen to and question experts on constitutional rights, self defense law, the ammunition industry, & more…
On Saturday, December 13th 2015, Minnesota’s gun owners will will gather for a day of training, panels and speakers on the future of gun rights in the state…
On Monday, January 26th 2015, Minnesota’s gun owners will converge on the Minnesota State Capitol for the first annual Minnesota Gun Owners Lobby Day (MNGOLD)…
Minnesota Gun Owners PAC Criticizes Rick Nolan For “Significant” Firearms Safety Violation; Offers To Pay For Firearms Safety Training…
As a Target spokeswoman made clear to the Star Tribune, “It is not a ban,” she said. “There is no prohibition.”…
We have the same old foes from last year, but this year they are joined with new enemies of liberty with new gun control money, looking to resurrect zombie gun control bills…
It’s Tuesday night, and after a full day of work, I just want to go home to my family. Instead, I’m going to my precinct caucus to push for gun rights…
Andrew Rothman, a long-time civil rights advocate, has been named the new president of the Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance…
The usual gun-grabbers hope to restrict your right to carry at the capitol, and other St. Paul state government buildings…
MN Representative Michael Paymar has repeatedly attempted to pass a law to prohibit law-abiding Minnesotans from carrying at the Capitol…
This looser bus tour is an attempt to reignite interest in an issue that’s already been decided here in Minnesota — and one that has lost nearly all steam nationwide…
Paymar, who chairs the Public Safety committee, acknowledged that he didn’t even have the votes to get his gun control agenda out of his own committee…
The committee is heavily weighted toward urban, anti-freedom urban DFLers, who need to hear from you that real Minnesotans DO NOT support these policies…
The first round of hearings is over…but the fight for your rights has just begun…
The most dangerous bill this session is not a magazine ban, or an “assault weapon” ban. It’s universal registration, masquerading as “universal background checks.”…
The fight is not over yet, though: there are still a raft of anti-rights bills coming up in the Senate on Thursday and Friday, and a new ban could sneak in as an amendment to any bill…
Senate Judiciary Committee chair Ron Latz, a consistent voice against gun rights, has scheduled three hearings next week to discuss the numerous gun control bills introduced this session…
Today, members of the Minnesota House introduced a stunning array of bills to strip you of your firearm rights, your due process rights and other freedoms…
On Saturday, more than 1200 gun rights supporters rallied at the State Capitol to tell lawmakers to keep their hands off our rights. It was a great start, but now the real work begins…
GOCRA is releasing its grades for Minnesota state offices before the primary, to better aid Minnesota gun owners and others in choosing the best candidate.
Last night, the Minnesota House officially forwarded the Stand Your Ground bill to Governor Dayton.
The Stand Your Ground bill passed the Minnesota House last year. It overwhelmingly passed the Senate last week. Now the bill is headed to Governor Dayton.
Due to the showdown over the budget, our bill didn’t get the support and attention it needed. But you can’t keep a good bill down, and…Stand Your Ground is Back!
Rosenberg wrote the definitive textbook on carry in Minnesota, Everything You Need to Know About (Legally) Carrying a Handgun in Minnesota…