If there are no constitutional Militia in operation, and this state of affairs is lawfully within the power of Congress and the States to continue, then what meaning does ‘militia-suitable arms’ have
February 13-14th is NRA Weekend at Cabela’s featuring various Second Amendment-related activities at the Cabela’s in Dundee, Michigan.
Delegate Mike Azinger and your NRA-ILA will be hosting a special FREE grassroots activism meeting in Mineral Wells on October 13th at the Comfort Suites.
West Virginia State Senator Chris Walters, Delegate Patrick Lane, and your NRA-ILA will be hosting a special FREE grassroots activism meeting in Charleston on October 12th at the Country Inn and…..
West Virginia State Senator Craig Blair, Delegate Eric Householder, and your NRA-ILA will be hosting a special FREE grassroots activism meeting in Martinsburg on October 15th at the Holiday Inn.
Today, Outdoor Industry Association (OIA), Grassroots Outdoor Alliance and Outdoor Retailer announced, a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that reinforces their shared commitment to specialty…..
Thank you for all the ways you support the right of self-defense. What could you do next? Here is a painless ladder of activism. It is how movements and leaders are made…
Recently, an old friend and I were remembering those remarkably free times: when “gun control” was not even in the lexicon…
In How to Beat the NRA in 7 (Not-So-Easy) Steps, the out of tune magazine’s Tim Dickinson lays out a remarkably unimaginative seven-step plan to empower gun-control advocates to stop bemoaning they suck…
Danielle was a manager at the Flying Biscuit Café. Last weekend, while closing the restaurant, she was murdered by an ex-con recently released after doing time for armed robbery.
Armed American Radio and host Mark Walters will be kicking off the 2012 broadcast year by welcoming leaders of some of the most respected states rights, grassroots organizations in America…
Here are some of the top stories we brought you in the NRA-ILA Grassroots Alert in 2011. ..
As we approach the Christmas holidays, we certainly have a lot to be thankful for.Here’s a partial list of what we accomplished together this year…
The massive gun bill we have been telling you about is now passed in House Judiciary C Sub-Committee…
The misleading and inaccurate phrasing of poll questions suggests that the researchers either haven’t read HB 111, or are woefully ignorant of North Carolina gun laws…
Attend FREE Workshop and Help secure the Right-to-Carry Concealed. It’s time for Wisconsin to join free America.
Topics: ATF Reform, National Gun Registration, Firearms Record Keeping…
NRA-News is a valued partner that continues to cover breaking gun rights news with a new and improved short video format in the “NRA News Minute” videos…
Cabela’s, the World’s Foremost Outfitter, played host as the meeting place for Second Amendment activists, as it hosted NRA-ILA for its third annual Second Amendment Weekend at Cabela’s in Dundee, Michigan…
It’s no secret that the Second Amendment frequently comes under attack on college and university campuses, through ignorance or deliberate mis- information campaigns…
Gun shows, gun shops, gun & hunting clubs, shooting ranges should be our top priority when recruiting and mobilizing volunteers in support of our freedom…
This is the most comprehensive carry rights bill since shall-issue concealed carry was passed twenty-four years ago…
Members of grassroots gun rights organizations just like you went to work contacting your Senators and Representatives and we are pleased to report that your actions have paid off…
However, what was supposed to be an easy victory with minimal resistance turned into an all out battle and “Disclose” passed by a slim margin of just 219 to 206…
The only individuals who can re-hire or fire an elected official are his constituents who are registered to vote, and thus, eligible to cast their ballots on Election Day…
Effective Gun Activist Politics Lesson Six: Strategic Planning
The Premiere Pro Gun Grassroots Program
GRNC Needs Volunteers CLT Gun Shows
IN THE SPOTLIGHT U.S. Senators John Thune (R-SD) & David Viter (R-LA)
NRA University On Capitol Hill