In 2003, James Beeman used a .410 shotgun to stop a charging grizzly bear at a distance of three feet, long before daylight.
Grizzly Bear Charge Stopped with a .410 Shotgun in Montana

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
In 2003, James Beeman used a .410 shotgun to stop a charging grizzly bear at a distance of three feet, long before daylight.
Another incident involving a grizzly bear attack in Montana should serve as a cautionary warning to people advocating for reintroduction of grizzly bears into north-central Washington’s North Cascades.
Details of the defensive shooting of a grizzly bear at Paint Creek Wyoming in 2010 have been revealed by a Freedom of Information Act request.
Four percent of the United States grizzly bear population accounted for 56% of human fatalities from grizzly/brown bear attacks during 1975 to 2023. Those 4% were the bears that live in Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho.
A fully-discharged bottle of bear spray was discovered at the scene. The bear was apparently unimpressed! Now two are dead.
Grizzly bears were not in the lower 48 states in North America before humans. Humans were here first.
In Wyoming, three men used a pistol and a shotgun to stop an attacking grizzly bear, as they were recovering an elk. It was self-defense.
On August 14, 2010, a grizzly bear charged two people in an unprovoked attack near Fish Creek on WY Forest Service Rd 693. The bear was stopped with gunfire a few feet from the people.
An experienced Montana outdoorsman had bear spray but was attacked and killed by a grizzly bear near Yellowstone Park on 15 April 2021.
In August of 2009, Tanner Allen had to use his .41 magnum single action to shoot a charging grizzly bear in self defense, in the Shoshone National Forest.
Some inner voice, or unconscious feeling, caused him to turn around and look. He had heard nothing, smelled nothing, at least nothing consciously. That is when he saw the big boar grizzly.
The Idaho Fish and Game Commission decided not to mandate the carry of bear spray by hunters. It was the right decision. Bear spray has not been shown to be more effective than firearms.
Hunting guide Mark Uptain was attacked and killed by a grizzly bear. His client was injured, but reportedly threw a pistol to Mark before running away from the scene.
Lorenz originally filmed grizzlys without carrying a pistol. His mother insisted that he start carrying a .44 magnum a decade earlier..
11 year old Elliot Clark killed this charging grizzly with a shotgun in Alaska in July of 2017. He used a 12 gauge shotgun.
An off duty Wyoming Game Warden, Chris Queen, was hunting elk in the Little Sunlight Basin north of Cody, Wyoming, not far from the Wyoming border.
Another case of bear spray failure occurred in Montana on September 4th at about 8 a.m. Â A grizzly bear charged through bear spray to get at Tom Sommers..
On 10 May, 1953, Bella Twin was hunting small game with her partner, Dave Auger, along an oil exploration cutline south of Slave Lake. She was 63 years old.
A woman in Northern Idaho uses a New York Reload to stop an attacking grizzly bear..
Bella Twin is shown with the world record grizzly bear that she shot in 1953 with a single shot .22 rifle. The question is, what rifle is she holding???