The National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) is recognizing Chapel Hill resident, Cathy Wright, for her effective grassroots activism in protecting the Second Amendment.
Gun Activists
We Are Losing Congress Unless Gun Owners Become Gun Activists
I hate being forced to break the gun rights battle down on party lines, but Democrats, as a party, have embraced a view of rights that are granted by an expanding State.
50 Female Gun Owners Set Sights on Washington DC
As a mother who was a supporter of gun control for decades, I now devote my life to empowering women with the safe use and storage of firearms…
FREE 2A Flashmob Patches for Every AmmoLand News Email Reader
AmmoLand Shooting Sports News is giving away FREE 2A Flashmob patches to every AmmoLand newswire reader that is subscribed to our popular email list.
John Snyder, Gun Activist & AmmoLand Contributor Passes ~ VIDEO
John was a what we all hope to be remembered as, a steadfast rock of support for the Second Amendment. He never wavered in his conviction and defense of our right to keep and bear arms…
Expanded Gun Control, Still a False Solution to Evil? – Post Las Vegas
The dilemma we find ourselves in right now. If we remain silent, the knee-jerk reactionaries get free rein to rant unchallenged & set the narrative about the evils of guns…
Read This – Your Rights Are At Stake
I’ll warn readers at the outset: this column falls pretty squarely under the heading of “preaching to the choir.”
Gun Rights Leader, Roy Innis , Dies at 82
“The passing of our friend Roy Innis is a great loss, he was a leader that cut through the PC correctness and spoke the truth, god speed, Roy.” AmmoLand Editor Fredy Riehl
Reasons to Vote Adam Kraut for 2017 NRA Board of Directors
People forget what the NRA actually is, that being an educational organization. I think the NRA needs to address this & start to change the public’s perception…
Thank You For Your Historic Vote
Up against the most significant threat to our rights ever confronted, NRA led an unprecedented effort to support our pro-gun allies and defeat the enemies of freedom.
Iowa: Make the Second Amendment Great Again – ACTION ALERT
Our biggest Second Amendment roadblock has been removed. The next step is to take everything we’ve just done and cement it in minds of Iowa’s legislators…
Virginia Citizens Defense League Lobby Day Poster Contest – Please Vote!
There is precious little time left for you to vote on our Virginia Citizens Defense League Lobby Day Poster Contest.
Don Kates – A Giant Among Second Amendment Activist Has Died
Don Kates, the father of the modern Second Amendment revival, has died from a prolonged illness…
Bump In the Night Video : Film Student Asks AmmoLand Reader’s for Feedback
This week we have an aspiring Pro Gun, film student asking for feedback, bad or GOOD on his latest video production. Any positive feedback or constructive criticism?
NRA Election Action Meeting in Bangor, ME
Come out and learn how you can do your part to fight against New York City style gun control by attending our Election Action Meeting on Thursday, September 15, 2016 at 6:00 pm…..
NRA Election Action Meeting in Augusta, ME
Come out and learn how you can do your part to fight against New York City style gun control by attending our Election Action Meeting on Wednesday, September 14, 2016 at 6:00 pm…..
NRA Election Action Meeting in Scarborough, ME
Come out and learn how you can do your part to fight against New York City style gun control by attending our Election Action Meeting on Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 6:00 pm at Scarborough Fish…..
NRA Election Action Meeting in Council Bluffs, IA : You’re Invited
You are invited to join NRA-ILA staff for an important NRA Election Action Meeting on Thursday, September 15th, at 6:00 p.m., at the Council Bluffs IA Library.
Gun Owners Outnumber Gun Controllers At Virginia Agency Gun-Ban Hearing
The response online has been overwhelming – 98% of the comments oppose the ban and a mere 2% support it.
Northern Colorado NRA National Day of Action!
In case you missed it, the NRA will be having a National Day of Action on Saturday, August 27th 2016!
Volunteers Wanted: Work with Your Local NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative
Your NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative is recruiting volunteers to: register voters, make phone calls, knock on doors, generate letters to the editor & more.
Where are the Millennials in RKBA Activism?
Many of those who are not typically thought of as gun enthusiasts are becoming more involved with guns and their right to keep and bear arms.
Please Re-Elect Indiana Senator Johnny Nugent to NRA Board
Senator Nugent, a legislative champion of all law-abiding gun owners, collectors, shooters, hunters, sportsmen & sportswomen, is asking for your vote in the 2016 NRA Board Election…
A Champion of Freedom, Espanola Jackson Remembered
We wish to sincerely thank Mrs. Jackson for her dedication to the fight for individual civil rights, including the fundamental right to keep and bear arms.
Passing Of ISRA General Counsel, Vic Quilici
It is with the deepest regret that Illinois State Rifle Association announces that the association’s General Counsel, Victor D. Quilici passed way on December 11, 2015…
NRA Claims Millions of Members, But How Many Are Current?
More people shoot each weekend than play golf in the summer. These shooters still consider themselves members of the NRA even if they paid their dues or not…
Grass Roots North Carolina Recruiting Pro Gun Residents to Run For Office
Could you do a better job in the North Carolina General Assembly than what we’ve seen over the last couple of years? We want to hear from you…
2015 Gun Rights Policy Conference After Action Report
If you’ve never attended a Gun Rights Policy Conference, you are really missing an important event & 2015 was no exception…
Hawaii’s Willes K. Lee Nominated to Run for NRA 2017 Board of Directors
Willes K. Lee makes history as the first from Hawaii nominated to serve on the NRA’s Board of Directors…
City of Philadelphia Sued for Retaliating Against Gun Rights Advocate
Fiorino was walking to an auto parts store on Frankford Avenue with his gun in a retention holster on his hip when he heard a voice behind him yell, “Yo, junior, what are you doing?