More people shoot each weekend than play golf in the summer. These shooters still consider themselves members of the NRA even if they paid their dues or not…
NRA Claims Millions of Members, But How Many Are Current?

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
More people shoot each weekend than play golf in the summer. These shooters still consider themselves members of the NRA even if they paid their dues or not…
Could you do a better job in the North Carolina General Assembly than what we’ve seen over the last couple of years? We want to hear from you…
If you’ve never attended a Gun Rights Policy Conference, you are really missing an important event & 2015 was no exception…
Willes K. Lee makes history as the first from Hawaii nominated to serve on the NRA’s Board of Directors…
Fiorino was walking to an auto parts store on Frankford Avenue with his gun in a retention holster on his hip when he heard a voice behind him yell, “Yo, junior, what are you doing?
The NRA is genuinely interested in state level gun rights issues here in WV, and next week they are holding three activist training events around the state….
Reports throughout the 5-hour open-heart surgery, including the wrap-up report, all indicated that everything went smoothly and according to plan.
Attend FREE NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshop at Gander Mountain in Cedar Rapids!
The 2015 NRA Women’s Awards recognize exceptional accomplishments in the preservation of the Second Amendment and the shooting sports through education, advocacy, and volunteerism…
Recently, an old friend and I were remembering those remarkably free times: when “gun control” was not even in the lexicon…
We need to send a strong message to Governor Dayton urging him to sign the Omnibus Public Safety Bill…
Sheriff Everhart; There were just some items in the vehicle that raised our concern a little bit. At that point, I decided that Homeland Security at least should be notified…
Hats off to Clerk Evans-Haywood for digging deeper, acknowledging a mistake, and then correcting it…
We have one week until “Gun Bill Day” in the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee on Thursday, March 12 2015. We would encourage everyone to show up and testify…
I am writing AmmoLand’s loyal readers today in hopes of gaining your assistance in my re-election campaign to the NRA Board of Directors…
Maryland’s second annual 2A Tuesday is in the books, and given the weather and traffic issues of the morning, I would consider it a success…
The forums will cover a range of topics, from political activism at the NRA University workshop, to the “Carrying Concealed from a Holster” forum with NRA Certified Instructor Wayne Blank…
2A Tuesday sends a message that despite the passage of the Firearms Safety Act of 2013, we are not cowed and we have not run away with our tails between our legs. No way!!!
February 10, 2015, MSI, the Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, the Maryland State Rifle & Pistol Association, the National Rifle Association will join together to lobby the Maryland General Assembly..
Grass Roots North Carolinais starting off the year with both feet on the ground running hard. Our first victory occurred in Wilson, NC…
Compassion is what motivates us to feel outrage about senseless murders. Rights advocates share that feeling with rights haters. The difference, gun rights advocates, realize reason is what guides us.
The anti-rights support is broad but shallow among people who don’t know much about the issue. You can change that with only a small effort…
Mark this important date on your calendar. If you need to reserve a vacation day before the end of the year – DO IT NOW! This may be one of the most important IGOLD events so far…
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of John Benjamin “Ben” Miles, Jr. Ben, a founding member of Grass Roots North Carolina, has passed away…
Michigan Open Carry is inviting you and your friends to come to Panera Bread and join us for lunch and a Seminar…
Come and join the New Jersey Second Amendment Society for a casual meeting of some of our far west New Jersey members and supporters…
We still don’t see eye-to-eye on all issues, but there’s no reason to create an enemy where none existed before…
Your gun rights are under constant assault from the likes of billionaire Michael Bloomberg, right here in Florida…
The Second Amendment Foundation & the CCRKBA have partnered with the Leadership Institute to offer an exclusive pro-gun activism course specifically tailored to gun rights supporters…
A coalition of gun grabbers including Sarah Brady’s Handgun Control Inc., the Bloomberg Moms, and militant priest Michael Pfleger recently announced a campaign to shut down 4 popular local gun shops..