The Arsenal Of Destruction: How Antigun Groups Seek To Dismantle And Destroy The Second Amendment To The U.S. Constitution…
Twenty-One Mechanisms That Would Be Used to Defeat The Second Amendment

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
The Arsenal Of Destruction: How Antigun Groups Seek To Dismantle And Destroy The Second Amendment To The U.S. Constitution…
Analysts are giving Republicans better than 50/50 odds to win back the Senate, both sides will be pulling out all the stops to win. Their are 12 closes races where you can have the greatest impact…
Gary Marbut is likely the most successful pro-gun political activist in the U.S. Gary is also an Independent candidate for the Montana House of Representatives and needs our support…
The Second Amendment Foundation has been gaining momentum for 40 years. We are now considered the legal arm of the gun-rights movement and will not stop…
We look forward to holding a peaceful demonstration with the historic 5th Ward in the near future. We will work with residents & leaders to pick a date that is conducive to a friendly event…
We need volunteers to help spread the word of all California Rifle and Pistol Association is doing in California…
We have just received word that the anti-gun Bloomberg organization Moms Demand Action is planning on crashing Joni Ernst’s appearance at the Iowa State Fair tomorrow, August 8 2014…
Volunteers are needed to help man the table at the upcoming Dixie Gun and Knife Show in Charlotte on August 16th and 17th, 2014…
The man, Bill Polster, recorded himself on a walk through Calumet County WI Park last month while he carried two guns, and after 10 minutes, he was confronted by law enforcement…
This is your once-a-year chance to network, get an insider’s look, and plan pro-gun rights strategies for the coming year…
This is a great opportunity to get potential Second Amendment supporters to join NJ2AS. As you know, Veterans are some of the STAUNCHEST Supporters of the Second Amendment…
KWEL discuss the attacks on Larry Pratt by Congresswoman Rep. Carolyn Maloney of New York (D), who wants Larry investigated because of his 2nd Amendment views…
While the Dr did not break any laws, he did violate Hospital “Gun Free Zone” policy, which the killer clearly ignored, and now needs your phone calls of support…
This is an opportunity for all currently elected officials as well as those seeking public office to come to a meeting & learn why individual firearms ownership is such an important issue…
In an effort to encourage increased student participation, the Crime Prevention Research Center is offering travel reimbursement vouchers for college age activists to attend…
Exercising a right without an obvious need does not make it less of a right, and in fact…
Don’t let others dictate your rights. Let’s take a stand and fight for the Second Amendment here in Ohio…
A coalition of Pro-freedom/gun rights groups counter rallied the Walk & Rally for Universal Background Checks on Gun Sales on June 28, 2014. Over 100 attended…
The main objective of this article is to emphasize the critical importance of participation in a participatory Constitutional Republic…
We continue to encourage all gun owners to contact their MP to make sure the message to scrap Canada’s gun laws resonates en route to next year’s federal election…
This counter rally will then move to the sidewalk opposite the Providence Friends Meeting House where the anti-gun rights pressure groups will hold their event…
This award is given annually to a deserving person who has performed exceptional work to promote, support, or expand gun rights in Ohio…
The right candidate will be able to communicate on gun issues with a variety of stakeholders, including gun enthusiasts, legislators, media, and the outside community…
It is time to call Dudley what he is, a political bomb-throwing bully whose stock in trade is to incite distrust and discontent within the ranks of the gun rights movement for his financial gain…
You can relentlessly fill their black hearts, day and night, with hideous dread! You can make them tremor anxiously at the mention of your name. You can ever be, must be, their worst nightmare…
If you let others pick your candidates you’re likely to be left with a choice between the lesser of two evils come November…
Welcome to the US of A where you have the right to be stupid and offensive in public, but you wont be winning hearts and minds…
The battle for RKBA in NJ continues. The NJ2AS needs many more individuals to contribute their knowledge and expertise. Most of all, we need Organizers, Analysts and Soldiers…
We are celebrating 40 years of protecting gun rights at the Second Amendment Foundation and this anniversary year continues to be a success as we added another award for protecting gun rights…
Kates is the intersection of a stereotypical college professor, which he is, and a rabid activist, which he might deny…