The 2021 National Firearms Survey has gun control advocates nervous. It exposes the depth of American gun culture & directly counters narratives used to justify gun control policies…
Gun Facts
Why Gallup Continues to Get Polling Results on Guns So Wrong
These flawed and bias polls on gun control will remain a disservice to public discourse and a poor reflection of the American electorate’s views.
You’re Not Crazy: Study Proves Legal Gun Owners Are the Sane Ones, ‘Gun Crime’ is the Fault of Psychopaths
…study proves what many gun owners already knew: legal gun carriers aren’t the problem. It’s ironic, really, that the media spends so much time vilifying law-abiding citizens & not the psychopaths..
Research Finds: More Concealed Carry Permits Do NOT = More Guns Stolen
One cry frequently thrown about by gun banners is more concealed handguns lead to an increase in stolen guns. New findings backed by hard data show that is NOT true.
Joe Biden Seems to Hate Cannons as Much as He Hates the Truth
When it comes to Biden, the old joke about knowing a politician is lying is when his lips are moving…
ATF Gun Trafficking Report Accidentally Concludes,, Gun Shops Are NOT The Problem
The ATF’s own data shows that the firearm industry isn’t the source of “crime guns.” The source is criminals – as NSSF has said all along.
F is for False: Washington Post Fact Check Refutes Leading Gun Control Talking Point
Washington Post’s own fact-checker has grudgingly admitted that the statement “Gun violence is the leading cause of death of children is not true…
Science Confirms: Assault Weapons are “Relative Rarity” in Murders
There’s a lesson in these numbers, but it’s not one that gun control advocates are interested in, including Joe Biden…
Prague Mass Murder Shows Copycat Killings are not Limited to the United States
A student at Charles University in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, killed about 14 people and injured about two dozen others in a planned and premeditated mass murder.
Far More Gun Owners than Gun Banners Like to Pretend
Will this new study convince gun control advocates to abandon their disingenuous arguments about gun ownership…
Guns Save More Lives Than They Take; Prevent More Injuries Than They Inflict ~ VIDEO
Guns are used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense. Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year.
Bad Math for Gun Control
The latest weird failure of fact by proponents of a disarmed public is offset somewhat by a refreshing honesty of stated desire.
David Brooks Wants To Tell Us How To Engage A Fanatic
If Brooks and his fellow establishment types are willing to listen, I’m ready to make my case. Even if they won’t be swayed by the use of logic..
It’s Time For a Firearms Vocabulary Lesson…
When it comes to firearms, knowing proper firearms vocabulary is important. From firearm mechanics to shooting skills to Second Amendment rights, understanding these terms is essential.
Using Gun Rights Haters Own Research Against Them
Stop worshiping the false god of gun control and start facing the real causes of the violence problem…
Do Background Checks on Private Gun Sales Stop Mass Murders?
This is the first study to systematically look to see if that is true. And in fact there is no evidence that these laws reduce the risk of these attacks..
What’s Going On? Are My Words Being Heard?
For years, those of us on our side of the ledger have been saying that armed citizens represent the best, and only real, deterrent to terrorism…
Newscaster Correctly Explains The True Intent Of The Second Amendment ~ VIDEO
Here is something you never expect to see from the mainstream media. A newscaster clearly laying out the facts of the Second Amendment..
Gun Facts Version 7.0 is Now Available Online & In Print
When a neighbor, editor or politician repeats some sound bite about firearm control policy, you can quickly find that myth then rebuke with real Gun Facts…
LA Times Runs Flawed Anti-Gun Op-Ed, then Refuses to Publish Fact Filled Rebuttal
David Hemenway wrote an op-ed that was originally published in the LA Times and then picked up in many other newspapers that was full of half truths and missing facts…
Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Research Director Explains Why He Won’t Debate Gun Control
As far as I can tell he said Bloomberg’s people would only debate people that they agree with…
Unraveling More Gun Control Lies
Honest facts are not on the side of gun control, therefore those lobbying for infringements on our rights are left with a choice of either giving up & going home, or lying & misrepresenting the facts.
Bloomberg’s Everytown Gun Control Claims To Talk Guns At Thanksgiving Dinner
Lott, through his Crime Prevention Research Center, has long taken on the Bloomberg group’s statistics calling them “typical misinformation”…
‘NRA… The Rest of the Story’ Buy One Get One FREE
Any order for ‘NRA… The Rest of the Story’ placed through New Year’s Eve 2015 will be shipped with an extra give-away book, at no extra cost…
Gun Owner ‘Math’
The Gallup Poll and Pew Research statistics report that about 40% of today’s U.S. population of 316 million own a firearm or 126 million…
Gun Facts: Name The New Gun Facts Blog
Gun Facts will soon have a blog. This is our first initiative for 2014. I need your help in naming the blog…
GOAL Responds to Bogus Boston University Gun Homicide Study
This week WBZ TV ran a story about a bogus Boston University study which tries to draw a parallel between gun ownership and homicides…
Violent Crime Dropped Dramatically Over 20 Years, Latest U.S Justice Department Study Confirms
We also will not expect the Obama administration to cite this study done by the professional civil servants of the Justice Department since it does not support their political agenda…
Gun Ownership at All-Time High, Nation’s Murder Rate at Nearly All-Time Low
Gun ownership and the number of privately owned guns has risen to all-time highs, the number of privately owned firearms in the U.S. rising by over 120 million, including about 55 million handguns…
Semi-Automatic Firearms and the “Assault Weapon” Issue Overview
The first semi-automatic rifle was introduced in 1885, the first semi-automatic pistol in 1892, & the first semi-automatic shotgun in 1902 & account for 20 percent of the 300 million privately-owned US firearms…