The right to keep and bear arms is fundamental and not subject to arbitrary restrictions. Any ambiguity in historical context should default to the clear text of the Second Amendment…
Several lawyers in Mississippi thought it would be a good idea to report a client who had a gun permit to the police as a dangerous threat. They were wrong.
This article is the second of two articles regarding the Social Security Administration’s new regulations designed to disqualify many beneficiaries from possessing or purchasing firearms.
The next article will discuss the process for applying for relief after the SSA has made a finding of mental incapacity and made a report to the NICS.
Philip Milks and Alexis Tunell join Orchid Advisors in response to the growth in Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) demand for services.
Don Kates, the father of the modern Second Amendment revival, has died from a prolonged illness…
Comments from prominent Second Amendment lawyers on this rock of conservative “Originalism” and the effect his passing may have on the future of the court.
The law firm of Michel & Associates, P.C., is again working with Shooters-Edge, Inc., to put on a continuing legal education (CLE) event for lawyers.
Understanding The Second Amendment is both good legal analysis and a proper role for a bar association to play: educating the profession and the public about what U.S. law requires..
I don’t how things are practiced in Washington, D.C., or New York or anywhere else, but out here in the Midwest we have certain rules. – Milwaukee County Judge Jeffrey Conen…
Long Beach attorney Chuck Michel has built a successful career by challenging firearms regulations – and winning…
The Connecticut Bar Association is proposing to support the 2013 Gun Ban in Connecticut, they have chosen to attack ‘the rights of individuals’ instead of safeguarding those rights…
Sure, you have a Constitutional right to remain silent, and once you’ve asserted that right your silence cannot be used against you. Rarely mentioned, however, is that what you DON’T say can also be used against you…
Firearms trusts allow for certain protections under the law to ensure that, one’s firearms remain accessible to future generations, a firearms trust is a layer of protection for one’s 2A rights.
The famous gun law book is now over 500 pages long. It is go to resource for gun owners who want to understand NJ gun law, know their rights and stay out of jail…
This award recognizes outstanding efforts by attorneys who defend the right to keep and bear arms, and particularly recognizes attorneys who make a significant contribution to those efforts pro bono…
Former Fresno County District Attorney Ed Hunt passed away on April 21st at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Fresno California.
It was only 5 years ago that attorney David Goldman realized that the traditional trust used by thousands of estate planning lawyers created many potential problems.
These victories do not just support firearm rights, but also civil rights for those who face unfair treatment by the courts or by the state as a result of seeking mental health treatment.
Evan will be talking about his book as well as current issues of concern to NJ Firearms owners. Most importantly, he has agreed to open things up for an extensive Q&A session after his presentation…
Evan will be talking about his new book as well as current issues of concern to NJ Firearms owners…
Unbeknownst to M.R., a firearm had been left in the trunk of his grandfather’s car that M.R. had borrowed to drive a friend home…
Co-operative legal program continues to expand to meet the demands of the independent firearms retailer…
All current law school and college students will be admitted free of charge…
How Prepared Are You With Your Gun?