The firearm industry has remained strong despite the Biden administration’s continued “whole-of-government” attacks on the lawful and highly-regulated firearm and ammunition industry…
Gun Lobby
Report Finds Gun Magazines With 10+ Rounds Capacity the National Standard
The Detachable Magazine Report confirms that the national standard for magazine capacity for America’s gun owners is greater than 10 rounds. With nearly 1 billion detachable magazines in circulation…
Governor of Illinois Signs Law to Subvert the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act
The new law contains ambiguous provisions designed to eliminate the safeguards provided by the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act & inflict serious financial harm on the firearms industry.
NSSF President & CEO Joe Bartozzi Backs Industry Trade Association Work On Gun Talk Radio
They say that the NSSF ‘zealously’ and ‘single-mindedly’ helps to preserve the industry. Well yeah! That’s what we do. And let me tell you something….
Virginia: Important Statement about VCDL Capital Lobby Day, Jan 20th 2020
Monday, January 20, is Virginia Citizens Defense League’s capital Lobby Day. It is not VCDL’s Protest Day. There is a distinct difference between the two.
West Virginia Citizens Defense League Lobby Day is February 17, 2020
Legislators know well that each of us that shows up represents thousands of others who think & vote the same way. Come and stand for thousands of people in your community. If not you, then who?
You Are the Gun Lobby & You Need to Act Like It
With all of the hubbub over the mess at the NRA, now seems like a good time to remind everyone that YOU are the Gun Lobby.
Join us for Gun Owners Lobby Day on Thursday, January 24th 2019 in Saint Paul, MN
It’s time for law-abiding gun owners from across Minnesota to make their voices heard at the State Capitol. At Gun Owners Lobby Day on January 24th, 2019.
Minnesota Gun Owners Lobby Day on Thursday, January 24th 2019
Groups like Michael Bloomberg’s “Everytown” and “Moms Demand Action” spent millions of dollars to bring their out-of-state funded anti-gun politics to the door of the Minnesota legislature.
Virginia House of Delegates Tied by One Vote, Gun Lobby Day a Must Attend Event
A single vote has made Virginia Citizens Defense League’s job of both protecting & advancing gun rights in Virginia MUCH more difficult and MUCH more important.
Virginia Citizens Defense League Lobby Day Poster Contest
We are holding a contest to get ideas of ways to advertise Lobby Day 2017. We need your help and know you are up to the challenge.
Attend Massachusetts State House Lobby Day This Saturday!
With only a few days left, the MA legislature has a final opportunity to enact emergency legislation to curb the Attorney General’s outrageous gun control attempt.
Virginia ALERT: General Assembly Begins Jan. 13th / Buses for Lobby Day Jan. 18th
The first day of the General Assembly is on Wednesday, January 13th. VCDL’s Lobby Day will follow on Monday, January 18th.
The ‘Gun Lobby’ Narrative Doesn’t Make Any Sense
While the gun-grabber bedtime story of the NRA/CEO boogeyman doesn’t make a lick of sense, it does make their end goal abundantly clear. Destroy the Second Amendment…
Bloomberg Spends $764,232.35 Buying Oregon Background Check Bill
How much did ALL the pro-Second Amendment groups spend? Ready? Not so much at $88,000…
Virginia Citizens Defense League Lobby Day & Legislative Update 1/15/15
Virginia General Assembly convened on Wednesday. There are lots of really excellent gun bills this year and lot of really horrible ones, too…
National Shooting Sports Foundation Opens New Washington, D.C. Office
The National Shooting Sports Foundation, the trade association for the firearms and ammunition industry, today formally opened its new office in The Hall of the States Building on Capitol Hill…
Larry Keane Recognized as One of Nation’s Top Lobbyists
The publication made note of Keane’s “calm, reasonable voice for an industry often caught in a passionate debate…
Nation’s Firearms Industry Executives In Washington for Congressional Fly-in
Executives from many of the nation’s firearms companies are in Washington, D.C. this week for the seventh annual congressional “fly-in” sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation…
NSSF Congressional Fly-In Helps Ensure Gun Industry is Heard ~ Video
Firearms industry leaders who have attended the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s Annual Congressional Fly-In speak highly of the opportunity it provides to make their priorities and concerns known to our federal lawmakers…
Virginia Citizens Defense League 2014 Lobby Day
Every year on the Third Monday in January the Virginia Citizens Defense League holds their annual Lobby Day. This day is also Martin Luther King Day so turnout should be high…
Attention America: The New York Times Knows What You Should Know & You Need Know No More
In this article, it took the authors 75 paragraphs before they acknowledged that federal statistics, in fact, show a dramatic 30-year downward trend in accidental deaths involving firearms…
Gun Lobby Thanks Pryor & Boozman for Supporting Second Amendment
Senators stood up for rights of Arkansans, protected thousands of Arkansas jobs…
NY Times (Once Again) Decides Gun Industry is Irresponsible;
The National Shooting Sports Foundation would like to address the outright falsehood attributed to an affidavit quoted in the article…
Gun Lobby Honors Senator Lindsey Graham, 2012 Legislator of the Year
The National Shooting Sports Foundation honored Sen. Lindsey Graham as NSSF’s 2012 Legislator of the Year at the organization’s annual dinner…
‘Big Bad Gun Lobby’ Turns Out to Be Big and Bad, After All
The Left is running scared that their hopes for greater gun control may fall short. They are scared that history is going to repeat itself…
Virginia Citizens Defense League Lobby Day 2013 Wrap Up
We had around 750 gun owners proudly wearing their Guns Save Lives stickers at the Virginia General Assembly…
Hey You, Civilian Gun Lobbyists – Ready To Get Started?
Something must be done. The president has called on us to do something. Well who, our nation’s gun lobbyists are asking themselves, better to do that than us???
Gun Lobbyist Ready To Give Up? No Way…
A gun lobbyist, traumatized by the evil in Newton, Conn., asked. What is he supposed to say? How can he respond to such slaughter, how can he defend guns in the light of this massacre???
What Exactly is “Gun Culture”?
In short, there is not a single demographic label in existence that doesn’t count Second Amendment supporters and firearms owners among its populace.