Nine New Yorkers who applied for firearms permits—argue that the NYPD routinely slow-walks approvals, refuses to issue required purchase authorizations in a timely manner, and only acts when forced by legal action….
Any time you have evidence of private entities coordinating with federal agents to strip Americans of their rights, the public should be alarmed and demanding answers and action…
The FTC’s investigation must prioritize hearing from gun rights supporters, firearm businesses, and pro-Second Amendment activists who have been erased from the digital public square.
By carving LGBTQ gun owners out as a special case, the media fuels division instead of just recognizing them as part of the broader firearms community. It’s unnecessary, divisive and counterproductive.
The legislation would ensure that no Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) bureaucrat can strip a veteran with a fiduciary of their rights to keep and bear arms without a judge or court ruling first…
The Biden-Harris administration’s ATF ignored its obligations under FOPA and returned to revoking FFLs and ruining livelihoods for harmless paperwork errors.
I simply wonder how someone can become so blinded by political hate that they would rather choose criticism and unnecessary hateful attacks…
Tim Thomas, a resident of Susquehanna County, has filed a federal lawsuit against the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission.
Mr. Willey, a 64-year-old Marine Corps veteran, had guns confiscated for allegedly making threats, which Willey steadfastly denied & forced to endure a humiliating involuntary mental health evaluation.
Kamala Harris telling San Francisco press that her authorities would “walk into” the private homes of gun owners to determine whether they were safely storing their guns correctly!!!
Gloucester Attorney Dusewicz, a Republican, pushed forward with the charges, claiming he was keeping guns out of schools. However, a jury saw it differently, taking just an hour to acquit the men.
GLOCK’s motion for dismissal argues the Illinois law “is unconstitutional because it interferes with interstate commerce, is unconstitutionally vague, and violates the Second Amendment.”
A judge has expunged the misdemeanor convictions of Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple who famously stood armed outside their mansion during a 2020 protest.
There’s a troubling trend by certain politicians to salt the ground at the U.S. Supreme Court. Politicians are disparaging the justices in an attempt to politicize the Court & delegitimize decisions…
A just and civilized people do not punish well-meaning visitors for harmless mistakes arising from legal and constitutionally protected conduct in their home jurisdictions.
Allowing Mexico to prevail in suing firearm makers for the criminal acts of third parties defies logic and would embolden a new round of lawfare against one of Americas last manufacturing sectors.
NRA filed this lawsuit against New Mexico Governor Grisham and Attorney General Torrez, arguing that the waiting period violates the Second Amendment & the Fourteenth Amendments…
In a misplaced effort to reduce “gun violence”, the Turks & Caicos Islands increased the penalties for firearm and ammunition possession, resulting in the arrest of eight innocent U.S. tourists.
Traveling overseas for your next adventure should keep in mind that the Biden administration’s new rule targeting firearm exports also puts their personally-owned firearms in the crosshairs.
The ATF’s rule says that now, almost anyone who sells guns aiming to make a profit can be considered a gun dealer.
The report revealed that licensed firearm dealers (FFLs) were responsible for only 1.6% of the illegal trafficking cases, amounting to 136 cases….
The Biden administration has admitted it unlawfully used the private gun purchase data of law-abiding citizens to label them as potential domestic terrorists in a politically-driven gun control scheme…
Glock shouldn’t face any liability for third-party criminal acts under a proper interpretation of longstanding tort law….
The City of Gary, Ind., first filed their claims in 1999 as part of a coordinated effort by 40 big city mayors who conspired together….
This is politically expedient for the Biden administration. It allows them to conduct a “name-and-shame” campaign against the firearm industry…
Biden’s commitment to anti-gun politics continues to supersede his commitment to sound & rational policy, or what is best for America.
Shooting clubs, shooting syndicates, gun shops, and other businesses and organizations in the U.K. have likewise been targeted with “debanking”…
On January 1, 2024, California will implement a mass surveillance regime designed to catalogue the faces, conversations, whereabouts, and shopping habits of millions of Californians engaged in constitutionally protected conduct…
A regulation created by the Pennsylvania State Police requires an applicant for a Pennsylvania license to sell firearms to agree to warrantless searches by the State Police!?
New Mexico Gov. Grisham issued a public health order suspending open & concealed carry of firearms in Bernalillo County public places for 30 days.