This latest gambit does more than exceed the ATF’s statutory authority. It’s an unfeasible requirement. There is no way ATF could keep up with another 328,000 federal firearm licensees.
It appears ATF abused its position… The fact they’re officers doesn’t mean they can’t violate the law. If they used their badges to do it, it’s even worse…
Firearms transactions for persons ages 18-20 will be delayed & the address of the individual will be collected so that local law enforcement entities may be contacted.
The letters, all identical, were sent to freight shippers, railroads, & common carriers like Fed Ex & UPS. All signed by Democrat Senators.
The “woke” mob is once again voicing its intolerance, this time over a western North Carolina youth group holding an AR-15 rifle raffle to raise money.
Why would the Census Bureau request customer records from American gun holster companies?
If the California AG is to be believed, then the system architects are grossly incompetent or massively unqualified to design the system, or did so on purpose?
CA Attorney General Rob Bonta’s move was clearly retaliation against law-abiding gun owners for the Supreme Court’s decision reaffirming your 2nd amendment rights.
There is a lot of circumstantial evidence that points to AGK Supply and the company’s owner being targeted by the San Diego “Ghost Gun” Task Force.
A federal judge upheld a Maryland law requiring anyone seeking to obtain a handgun to first acquire a Handgun Qualification License.
In gun Lawyer, Evan Nappen’s most recent podcast he breaks down five gun law Myths that if you fall victim to can land you in jail. Listen now!
Monroe County’s decision to sue someone because he simply asked his local government to follow the law is truly outrageous. We will ask the court to hold them accountable for their unconstitutional ac
The anti-gun crowd has always hated the idea of gun-owners having guns in public. SWATing was a way of calling the cops on gun owners for the purpose of making life difficult for them.
This week ATF has shown up at multiple shooting-sports-related companies and retailer doors to demanded customer information about those American citizens with legally purchased 80% pistol frames.
For the unfortunate owners of the Q product and pistol braces, I wish I had better news for you.
The NY Safe mental health reporting requirement and the proposed mental health evaluation bill impermissibly infringe upon the rights and liberties of the American people and also violates…
It is illegal for the sheriff to release any information about citizens applying for a license to carry. The demand letter from GunSenseUs is asking the sheriffs to break the law.
Here are seven things you need to know to protect your property and rights in the face of the coming flood of red flag law misuses and abuses.
San Francisco has adopted a resolution declaring the National Rifle Association a “domestic terrorist organization.” Yes, they are talking about you and the other five million law-abiding NRA members
A Loveland High student who was banned from school after posting a video on Snapchat of him shooting with his mom. The school banned him even after police investigated the “threat report” and instantl
Twitter has suspended prominent gun-rights activist and researcher, John R. Lott Jr over a Tweet about the New Zealand mass murder that killed a group of Muslims as they attended Mosque.
Attacking the ability to participate in economic activity sets a bad precedent. Petition calls on credit card companies to freeze accounts that engage in “excessive, erratic gun and ammo purchases”…
The real target of campaign “reform” laws are those Second Amendment supporters who are thinking about becoming activists and advocates.
The movement to marginalize American gun owners continues to aggressively recruit the finance industry against gun owners.
Open Carry Texas statement on the baseless suspension of licensed gun owner Brandon Masin at Unt-Dallas Law School. Clearly, the school was singling him out as a conservative and licensed gun owner.
Anand Venigalla was summoned to a meeting with his college for posting a video on Facebook. Here, Venigalla holds an antique weapon while an instructor looks on during an off-campus event.
A federal court invalidated California’s ban on-premises advertising relating to handguns (but not other firearms), disparaging the state’s proffered justification for the law.
Danger, the Republican leadership in the Pennsylvania State House is playing right into the hands of the anti-rights Democrats on this vote for Extreme Risk Protection Orders.
Principal Adam García Amador of Carlsbad High School allegedly tried to “bully” student Will Riley into silence as he planned a nationwide walkout in support of the Second Amendment.
Virginia families out for a fun night suffer one of the most obnoxious, mean-spirited, angry, and self-righteous persons you would ever hope not to meet.