The legislature would raise the minimum age to purchase a long gun from 18 years old to 21 years old, effectively denying young adults their ability to exercise their constitutional rights.
We just celebrated Independence Day, from that initial struggle against the British to the present day, we have honored our military veterans for their courageous sacrifice in helping keep us free.
As early as tomorrow, June 11, the Delaware Senate could vote on Senate Bill 83.
Sorry Northwestern, your recent statement reeks of attempted coverup of a deliberate anti-RKBA effort by Northwestern…
If the call for stricter measures is to reduce the number of negligent losses of firearms we suggest government starts looking at the number of firearms lost by, or stolen from, its own agencies…
Last week, the Governor of Vermont signed a law allowing police to confiscate guns from anyone under a judicial order for domestic abuse…
Loose wording in North Carolina law has caused non-violent offenders who had already paid their debt to society, and legitimately restored their Second Amendment rights, to suddenly lose their rights once again…
Should individuals be restricted to only one vehicle? One piece of lawn equipment? One pair of shoes???
District Court rules in favor of Plaintiffs’ right to possess firearms…
HJR 1026 is a critical improvement that provides the strongest possible protection for your gun rights, guaranteeing your Right to Keep and Bear Arms for future generations…
The Court disagreed and found that as long as the statute required some degree of offensive physical contact for a violation to occur, a conviction under that statute would trigger the federal disability…
The way in which the government manipulated the case in order to deprive American citizens of their second amendment rights deserves detailed study…
In the first round, a federal judge declined to issue a temporary restraining order, but urged the parties to move forward quickly towards a full hearing on the merits of the challenges…
The decision clarifies that thousands of Californians previously thought to be prohibited from possessing firearms are not prohibited after all…
We, as gun owners, are constantly under siege by a plethora of legal attacks. Whether it be self-defense, stand-your-ground, how many bullets can you carry, all cases where individuals need to say NO…
The National Shooting Sports Foundation is arming the nation’s 100 million gun owners with facts they can use to demonstrate they are law-abiding, safe, passionate in their defense of the Second Amendment…
This move to prevent Mr. Zimmerman from claiming his property is an unacceptable abuse of power. And the threats of federal charges on civil rights grounds is little more than blatant pandering…
If you support that a person taking certain drugs is a “prohibited person”, then, according to the LAW, you support the idea that EVERY PERSON IN THE “prohibited person’s’ HOUSEHOLD must ALSO be denied the RKBA…
Vltor Weapon Systems is implementing a No-Sale Policy for any states imposing legislation that infringes on the rights protected by the Second Amendment…
The article is long and detailed – and covers a wide variety of aspects to the whole debacle. It should be regarded as a “must read”, if only to fully understand their relevance to what America may be facing…
Cam Edwards talks to Celia Bigelow, about her article “Why Female Gun Ownership is Up 77% Since 2005” for Townhall…
The newly emerged Firearms Equality Movement is gaining more steam among manufactures and gun rights supporters alike…
A house divided against itself cannot stand. Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety…
I have made a short list of points and rounded them up in a Firearms Refresher Course for your mind…
On January 30th 2013, the U.S. Senate Judiciary committee held a hearing entitled, “What Should America Do About Gun Violence?” It should have been called, “How Do We Attack Second Amendment Rights?”…
We at Florida Carry urge the Attorney General to withdraw this attack on the Right to Bear Arms and concede that the complete ban on carrying is unconstitutional…
Do not be fooled by a belief that progressives, leftists hate guns. Oh, no, they do not. What they hate is guns in the hands of those who are not marching in lock step of their ideology…
Fellow gun owners and second amendment activists we ask that you take the letter below and send to your elected officials via email…
Michelle Gesse, whose husband lived the nightmare of being falsely accused of a firearms related felony, explains what all Americans need to know now about the criminal justice system…
Gun Laws by State covers state laws as well as key federal laws that apply in federal buildings, airports, national parks, and school zones…