What does USA TODAY’s Editorial Board have in common with the majority of Americans? Not much…
NRA: Gun Laws Ring Hollow With Voters

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
What does USA TODAY’s Editorial Board have in common with the majority of Americans? Not much…
Looting in Brooklyn, N.Y. as Hurricane Sandy moved out underscores the importance of the right to keep and bear arms, especially in an emergency, the Second Amendment Foundation said today…
Cam Edwards talks to Frank Miniter, who wrote this article for Forbes: “What President Obama Says He’ll Do To Your Gun Rights” …
On November 6th I hope you’ll join me in supporting Louisiana’s own Second Amendment by voting YES on Constitutional Amendment #2…
When the subject of California gun control laws are discussed, rarely are they associated with the civil rights movement and the quest for equal rights for all.
Defense attorney Richard Gardiner, who amongst other things is VCDL’s corporate attorney, just had an important victory in the Virginia Supreme Court.
It might appear like we are always on the defensive. But that’s because the media will not remind you about the victories we’ve achieved or the defeats the Obama administration has suffered.
51 senators notified President Obama and Secretary Clinton of their intent to oppose the ratification of an Arms Trade Treaty that in any way restricts the rights of lawful American gun owners.
I read with personal interest an article in regard to depressed returning troops recently posted at Military.com, entitled “DoD Could Renew Push to Restrict Personal Weapons.”
Last week, Mexico emerged as the leader in spearheading the effort to internationally regulate civilian firearms at the UN “Small Arms Treaty” meetings in New York City.
Siding with those who exercise their Right to Carry, the court ruled that a gun owned by a Right-to-Carry permit holder and kept out of sight in a vehicle cannot be barred from university property.
The bill is aimed at protecting U.S. Constitutional rights related to the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty.
Calguns Foundation defends innocent California gun owner from criminal charges, secures a $35,800 settlement from the City of Calexico in a Federal civil rights lawsuit.
While this is a very poetic expression of an admirable sentiment, it is unlikely to ever happen, and unlikely to be effective.
Governor Scott’s immediate denial of the request demonstrates his respect for the Constitution, Florida law, the integrity of Florida lawful gun owners statewide.
Rehberg’s amendment prevents the government from appropriating funds to implement that policy. This is the third time Rehberg has fought back efforts by the ATF to increase gun control regulations.
Introduced by state Sen. Riser, SB 303 would improve the current provision in the state constitution and provide Louisianans the strongest and most comprehensive constitutional language of any state.
Mr. Doutel still has a criminal charge, a court order to not possess firearms, and mounting legal fees.
The Second Amendment Foundation today filed a lawsuit in federal district court in New Mexico challenging that state’s prohibition on the issuance of concealed carry permits to legal resident aliens.
The court seems to be saying that denying a person a gun based on a general “harassment” misdemeanor conviction, without showing that the conviction involved violence, violates the Second Amendment.
Most states have never had a problem. However, gun owners have had serious problems lawfully traveling with their firearms in two states in particular: New York (especially NYC) and New Jersey.
The Brady Bunch has released their annual scorecard rating states based on how strict their gun laws are.
Delegate Pogge’s bill to allow employees of local government and its agencies and authorities to store firearms in their locked, private vehicles while at work, has just passed.
This “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal then others” philosophy is actively practiced on a daily basis in the State of NJ when it comes to firearms & the right to Self Defense.
Because a Senate vote is scheduled for Thursday, anti-gun forces are using every means possible – including major news conferences at the Capitol – to keep HF 1467 from passing and becoming law.
HB 375, Delegate Pogge’s bill to allow local government employees to store firearms in their private vehicles while at work passed out of committee by a 9 to 6 margin.
Politicians need to realize they as politicians took an oath of office to uphold the ENTIRE US Constitution, not just the parts of it THEY agree with.
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel called for the Illinois General Assembly to pass a $65 per handgun fee to be levied against every law-abiding gun owner in Illinois – INCLUDING YOU.
In coming months, you will see dramatic changes as we increase the size and impact of Grass Roots North Carolina – the gun rights organization which you have made the most vocal in the state…
This conference report is no exception, as it contains 12 provisions that strengthen the Second Amendment and protect the American people…