Any time you have evidence of private entities coordinating with federal agents to strip Americans of their rights, the public should be alarmed and demanding answers and action…
We Caught the FBI Targeting Gun Owners ~ VIDEO

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Any time you have evidence of private entities coordinating with federal agents to strip Americans of their rights, the public should be alarmed and demanding answers and action…
The government has no right to pick and choose which Americans can exercise their Second Amendment rights. Massachusetts’ unconstitutional ban on young adults owning firearms for self-defense is an egregious attack…
If the ATF’s abuses of the past several decades have taught us anything, it is that now is not the time for a business-as-usual, “law and order” candidate to head the federal government’s anti-gun bureaucracy.
By requiring the ATF to certify the destruction of all records, the bill aims to eliminate the registry’s immediate threat and prevent future administrations from reviving such practices.
I believe in asking political candidates and nominees specific questions that demand unequivocal answers…
According to the ATF’s Firearms Industry Programs Branch of the Office of Enforcement Programs and Services, the Bureau can still enforce the ban on pistols equipped with stabilizing devices.
With Trump about to enter office and Republicans in control of Congress, Gun Owners of America is preparing to lobby for its top priorities.
The New York State Police Superintendent has removed the requirement for a New York State-issued driver’s license on the Empire State’s concealed carry permit application
Leftist anti-hunters and anti-gun groups just want to remove hunters from the process of wildlife management and destroy the American Hunting Traditions.
Discover the legal battle over Memphis’ anti-gun ordinance. Gun Owners of America and other groups are challenging the restrictions.
We’re thrilled to be charting a far different and brighter course with President Trump, who has promised to repeal the Biden-Harris infringements within his first week in office.
If you are reading this, and you have not yet voted, stop what you are doing and go vote for the Second Amendment RIGHT NOW.
The Second Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed its decision in Antonyuk v. James (a/k/a Antonyuk v. Nigreli), which challenged New York State’s Concealed Carry Improvement Act (CCIA).
While it’s framed as a move to protect wildlife, the proposition is part of a larger effort by anti-hunting groups to undermine traditional, science-based wildlife management.
Police Chief Donald C. Hagan II did try to suspend gun rights during the hurricane, but is now claiming it was a misunderstanding.
Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody will not defend the state’s open carry ban in a case filed by GOA and Richard “Flying Rich” Hughes.
Although Kane was a household name from the WWE, Glenn Jacobs wanted to do something different to give back to his community.
The University of Louisiana (UL) Lafayette campus dropped its bid to make downtown Lafayette a “gun-free zone”.
President Donald Trump virtually addressed the crowd of attendees with a warning about the siege facing Second Amendment rights.
Gun Owners of America held its inaugural Gun Owners Advocacy and Leadership Summit and to call it a success would be an understatement.
This weekend, Gun Owners of America (GOA) will hold its first-ever GOALS event at the Knoxville Convention Center in Tennessee.
YouTube and parent company Google announced plans to change their policy on firearms related content – effective June 18th.
This ruling prevented the ATF from enforcing its new rule on who needs a federal firearms license (FFL) to sell a gun.
A Temporary Restraining Order has been granted to Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) and Gun Owners Of America (GOA) in our lawsuit against BATFE’s new “engaged in the business” rule!
A panel of three judges from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments in a case challenging enhanced background checks for gun buyers under the age of 21.
GOA petitioned the Supreme Court to hear the case, claiming New York’s concealed carry law is a direct assault on the Bruen decision.
GOA has filed a lawsuit challenging New York’s blanket ban on out-of-state residents being able to obtain a concealed carry permit or to have New York honor out-of-state permits.
Through the hard work of GOA and their friends over at Florida Carry, the candle was burnt at both ends to craft the best Open Carry bill possible.
How many people would be free and alive today were it not for the legacy of gun control?
The ATF has backed off revoking the federal firearms license (FFL) of Kiloton Tactical, LLC after Gun Owners of America (GOA) stepped in to help the gun store sue the government.