Ed Markey and Ayanna Pressley offered legislation that has two whoppers in its title.
Gun Politics
Lightfoot Wrongly Attacks Second Amendment
Lori Lightfoot’s attack on the Second Amendment isn’t just nonsense – it is also a warning.
Mexican Suit Threatens Second Amendment
Like big-city mayors from two decades ago, Mexico wants to sue gun manufacturers to pretend they are dealing with a serious crime problem.
Washington Post Defense Of Chipman Reinforces Need To Defeat His Nomination
In defending Chipman, the Washington Post editorial board lied big time.
Below the Radar: Keeping Gun Dealers Honest Act of 2021
Your local Federal Firearms Licensee has made a living helping people exercise their Second Amendment rights, and anti-Second Amendment extremists in Congress want them out of business.
The Big Lie The ACLU Told Must Not Go Unanswered
Second Amendment supporters need to ensure that the ACLU’s lies about the Second Amendment are dealt with.
Did President Biden Declare War On Heller? ~ VIDEO
Did President Biden slip up during that Ohio town hall that CNN aired and declare an attack on your right to keep and bear arms?
Below The Radar: Fiscal Year 2022 Appropriation Bills
Appropriations bills are often opportunities for our enemies to attack our rights – but can also be used to protect them.
Below The Radar: The PISTOL Act
While the Home Defense and Competitive Shooting Act would be ideal to pass, it doesn’t hurt for Second Amendment supporters to have a backup plan.
Will The Biden Regime Call Second Amendment Activism Misinformation?
Could Second Amendment activism be declared “misinformation” on a matter of public health by the Biden-Harris regime?
Below The Radar Handgun Licensing and Registration Act of 2021
Bonnie Watson Coleman has proposed Second Amendment suppression legislation.
Below The Radar Protecting the Right To Keep and Bear Arms Act of 2021
Recent history means it’s time for Second Amendment supporters to update some legislation passed in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
Plan Now To Defeat The San Jose Strategy
San Jose provides a preview of the threats to the Second Amendment that will exist – even if the Supreme Court tosses gun and magazine bans.
Addressing Straw Purchasers And Other Bad Apples A Must For 2A Supporters
The misuse of firearms is an excuse the likes of Bloomberg use to attack to our Second Amendment rights. So let’s offer solutions that don’t violate our rights, but put bad guys away.
The Heller-Caetano 1-2 Punch Is What 2A Supporters Needed ~VIDEO
However, a comment by United States District Judge Roger Benitez in his ruling on Miller v. Bonta could be a massive game-changer.
The Coming NFA Threat To The Second Amendment
Anti-Second Amendment extremists could use the National Firearms Act to go after our Second Amendment rights.
Hollywood’s Hypocritical Obsession with Guns ~VIDEO
Ever wonder why anti-gun movie stars glorify guns on the set while denouncing them in real life? Dan Wos takes a closer look.
Below the Radar – ATF Accountability Act of 2021
Can Second Amendment supporters start the process of holding BATFE bureaucrats accountable?
Below The Radar Untraceable Firearms Act of 2021
David Cicilline is again trying to punish those who build their own firearms for crimes and acts of madness they did not commit.
Reclaiming Responsible Gun Ownership From Anti-Second Amendment Extremists
Can the “divide and conquer” strategy of anti-Second Amendment extremists be countered?
California Semi-Auto Ruling Only The Start – Even If SCOTUS Upholds It
If Judge Roger Benitez’s ruling is upheld by the Supreme Court, the fight will only be starting.
Ensuring A Real Future For The NRA
What needs to happen for the NRA to continue to defend our rights in the future?
Below the Radar: Illegal Alien NICS Alert Act
The Illegal Alien NICS Alert Act is worthy of backing from Second Amendment supporters.
Below the Radar: The HEAR Act Rears Its Ugly Head Again
The reintroduction of the Help Empower Americans to Respond Act offers both strategic benefits and a strategic conundrum to Second Amendment supporters.
Below The Radar: A Virginia Plan That Deserves Rejection
Senator Tim Kaine’s “Virginia Plan” is just more of the same gun control – but with a pernicious undertone.
Taking Advantage of a Shift in the Landscape, Caniglia v. Strom
The Supreme Court’s ruling in Caniglia v. Strom could be a boon to Second Amendment supporters concerned about so-called “red flag” laws.
Accepting Strategic Reality In New York City And Elsewhere
Sometimes, just checking off policy boxes isn’t enough for effective advocacy for the Second Amendment.
Below The Radar: S 1373 and HR 2890
Two bills introduced by Second Amendment champions could give Second Amendment supporters an edge on the political battlefield.
Two Pieces Of Information Second Amendment Supporters Should Feel Good About
Have the enemies of the Second Amendment become desperate due to a political landscape that has become precarious for them?
Below The Radar: NICS Denial Notification Act of 2021
Some bills are easily seen as bad, others are easily recognizable as advances in protecting the Second Amendment. But come legislative items don’t lend themselves to an easy call.