The 2024 Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) took place in San Diego, California this year.
Gun Rights Policy Conference Takes Place in San Diego Over Weekend

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
The 2024 Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) took place in San Diego, California this year.
Attend the 2024 Gun Rights Policy Conference, where the nation’s foremost advocates will converge to share insights and strategies that will shape the future of gun rights!
Many AmmoLand News star authors will be at this year’s Gun Rights Policy Conference, including Dean Weingarten, Dan Wos, Lee Williams, Charlie Cook, Doug Ritter, Alexander Roubian, & more…
At this year’s Gun Rights Policy Conference you will have the opportunity to hear from top lawyers on the leading edge of firearms rights litigation.
The 38th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference will be held Sept. 22-24, 2023, in Phoenix, Arizona.
The 37th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference, scheduled this weekend, Sept. 30-Oct.2nd, 2022, and will feature more than 70 speakers covering a wide range of Second Amendment topics.
So far we strongly object to the notion that doctors have any right to ask patients routinely about gun ownership. That’s an ethical violation and malpractice if it leads to harm.
The 36th annual GRPC is Sept. 25-26, 2021, and this year’s theme is “Saving Freedom,” Register now for the Free online video broadcast!
People’s alarm for their personal safety over efforts to defund police, riots, looting, and the Democrats’ push for more extremist gun control increased this year’s attendance and participation.
The event starts this Saturday, September 19, at 10:00 Central Time, and runs through Sunday, September 20 at about 6:00. Bookmark this page and watch it live all weekend!
AmmoLand News’ own Dean Weingarten was the big winner for his unrelenting coverage of local, state, federal and international news or events related to our right to keep and bear arms.
Open Carry was common at the Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) in Phoenix, in 2019. The GRPC had a record attendance of more than 1,000 activists.
The Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms are expecting huge interest in this year’s 34th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference.
Invite someone “historically less involved”, not just in politics, also to the range, to a competition, on a hunt, or to this conference next year. Second Amendment supporters, get out of your comfort
Headlining the annual Saturday awards luncheon will be teen Second Amendment champion Kyle Kashuv, a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
At the Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) in Dallas, Texas, I noticed a significant amount of the open carry of sidearms.
The Illinois State Rifle Association won the Affiliate of The Year award from the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, for the 10th time.
This year’s featured speakers will include SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, SAF President Joseph Tartaro and a host of leaders in the Second Amendment community.
An Alternative Mass Media Conference is scheduled to take place in conjunction with GRPC this year, running all day on Friday the 29th
The 2017 National Gun Rights Policy Conference is scheduled for Friday, September 29th, through Sunday, October 1st at the Westin Hotel at the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport.
Florida Carry was honored to be named the Grassroots Organization of the Year at the 2016 Gun Rights Policy Conference.
If you’re attending the Gun Rights Policy Conference in Tampa, Florida this weekend, make sure to say hello to the several GOA representatives who will be present there.
Florida Carry is honored to serve as this year’s state host for the Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms’ 2016 Gun Rights Policy Conference…..
Dr. Lott also testified this past week before The TN Senate Judiciary Committee on the dangers of gun-free zones and the benefits of concealed carry in self defense…
If you’ve never attended a Gun Rights Policy Conference, you are really missing an important event & 2015 was no exception…
It was refreshing to see a candidate for President of the United States standing in their midst shaking hands & chatting with strangers who had Glocks, Kimbers, & Colts visible on their hips…
It is fitting that this man, now gone from us for four years, is again acknowledged for all his work advancing the right to keep and bear arms…
President of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society was recognized by the Second Amendment Society & the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep & Bear Arms as the Gun Rights Activist of the Year…
An encounter at a Wisconsin Diner reveals a Gun Rights advocate.
A panel at the Gun Rights Policy Conference discussed the folly of “Gun Free Zones”. Dr. Edeen, Massad Ayoob, and Chris Byrd spoke on the subject.