The Casino Drill is a deceptively simple test of several shooting skills. Learn how to set up the drill for yourself here.
Self-Defense Skills and Drills | The Casino Drill

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
The Casino Drill is a deceptively simple test of several shooting skills. Learn how to set up the drill for yourself here.
No matter how good, or how far you believe your skills have progressed, you will ALWAYS derive benefit from having a training audit performed.
GRNC oppose measures that make it more difficult for lawful North Carolinians to protect themselves & their families. Additional restrictions are an abuse of a regulatory agency to harass lawful gun owners.
You’ve called your state representative about constitutional carry. You’ve e-mailed your state senator about allowing provisional CPLs for 18-20 year olds.
NM Rancher, JIm Clary reviews the SIG Sauer P320 ASP Air Pistol. SIG’s newest firearms training tool and all-round fun plinker.
Bob Harvey of the South Florida Gun School addressed this issue last week in an article published in Ammoland. I am borrowing some of his ideas here.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry invites you to kick off spring with a bang at one of OFCC’s partner ranges for their 13th Annual Fun ‘n Gun fundraiser!
If you saw the attacker coming, if you saw the signs of imminent danger, if you heard the shots fired, would you be ready?
Op.Electronics Ltd. is introducing their latest TOP GUN Marksmanship Training System, TOP GUN 2.0, and will also hold a Press Conference in the Press Conference Room, San Polo 3401 to give an…..
FAB Defense line of Gun Safety Training Products which confirm your weapon is unloaded and incapable of firing…
At least once per year, Pat Troy and I get together and do a Live-Fire Scenario Course at the wonderful Echo Valley Range in WV. Many from the DC area join us there…
Or what about requiring a similar class in civics and current events before being licensed to vote? Surely such a class would result in people making better choices in the voting booth…
Too many people rely on movies and television for their firearm training. One thing that should not ever be forgotten is that guns can be very dangerous if not handled properly…
Soldiers from the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit recently spent a week sharing their expert marksmanship skills with the nation’s future leaders and competitive shooters…
Through the first three quarters of 2013, the National Rifle Association’s Program Materials Center has processed a record 46,000 transactions, selling 850,000 units of training materials…
Brilliance in the Basics should be the first video you ever watch when it comes to handling a rifle…
How many times in the past few months have you taken the walk back to the sporting goods department of your favorite store in the hopes of finding a couple of boxes of ammunition only to come back empty handed???
Panteao Productions introduces the second instructional video from Massad Ayoob titled Ayoob on Concealed Carry…
Carrying a firearm for self-defense is only part of the equation. You need to be able to hide it well while still having ready access to it when the time comes…
This “starter kit” is for the first time carbine style rifle purchaser and provides a total immersion kick-start training resource for buyers who purchased their rifle for self defense…
Its time to have Jr shooting camps that are held year round not just summer time or once a year, have your children experience the joy of supporting the Second Amendment…
You may want to work now to up your success rate later. One way to do that could be to attend a shooting school. The good news is that you have many options.
NextLevel Training has revolutionized the way shooters prepare with the SIRT Training Pistol, a dry-fire training pistol that emits a laser when breaking the auto-resetting trigger.
Being a firearms instructor is fluid, meaning things are always changing and we are continually modifying our techniques to achieve faster more accurate results.
The Hollow is a 129-acre shooting and training facility that was developed to be one of the finest shooting facilities in the United States.
It is well documented that movement is a life-saving tactic. Movement almost always helps us except maybe when attempting to engage a target with accurate gunfire.
In reality-based training, the threat of consequence is paramount – it’s what changes or affirms behavior. Effective reality-based training incorporates both visual and pain penalty consequences.
In nearly every course we are asked a common question: What can I do to improve? The response is the same nearly each time. If you are not conducting dry practice, you should start now.
Data recently released by the National Center for Health Statistics shows that in 2008, the number and per capita rate of firearm accident deaths fell to an all-time low…
We spend a lot of our hard earned money on expensive pistols that never seem to hold up to their end of the deal and do their job, which is hit the target they are aimed at…